1. New/Unique Visitor Conversion
This is one of my favorites, and I particularly love it because it helps to see if you’re getting new visitors, why you’re getting the visitors, and when. It also allows you to differentiate between a new visitor and a visitor that has come to patronize you again.
2. Interactions Per Visit
This is another important metric for small businesses. You know that you get visitors, whether new or old, but do you know what they do on your website? Do you know how long they spend? Do they like, comment, and share your content? Do they make a buying decision? All these questions can be answered using the interaction per visit metric.
3. Value Per Visit
What makes your business a going concern is the sales that you make. Do your visitors make a buying decision on your website? If not, then you must look into the reasons for that. Also, the value may not be about a buying decision. If your visitors give you positive reviews or help you spread the name of your business or product, you’ve gained some value from them.
4. Exit pages
At what point on your website do your visitors leave the website without making any favorable decision? On what page does this happen? Look for the causes of that and solve it. Your visitors can click on a link on the first landing page to see what you’re offering. After that, they want to see the product. If you’re giving them another link, there’s a chance that most of them are going to stop there. You must make sure that you make the process easy for them.
5. Average session duration
This has to do with the time that a visitor has spent on your website. It doesn’t show you what they did, how they did it, and when they did it. It just shows you how long they spent and it is essential because it helps you make sure that you have relevant content than maintains visitors.
6. Pageviews
This one is a little bit tricky and it’s because the visitor needs to have seen all the relevant content on the page before it can count as a view. Now, you may be getting people to click on your links, but if they don’t stay long enough to see what you have there, then it doesn’t count.
7. Lead generation costs
This is the cost that you place on each conversion that you’re expecting to make.
8. Bounce rate
This is very necessary for your business growth. When people click on your website, and they don’t make any decision that makes your business thrive, then it means that your website is more or less useless to them or your website isn’t very navigable. You need to maintain your audience and this metric helps you know if you’re doing it right.
9. Return visitor conversion
This metric is another of my favorites because it lets you know if your website is attractive and engaging enough to make your visitors want to keep coming. Once you realize that a visitor has come back again, you study the trend to determine why they have returned.
10. Sources for income traffic
Referral visitors, direct visitors, and search visitors are the ways you can generate traffic to your website. However, you must make sure you optimize and maximize the one that brings the most income to your website. After all, income is what keeps your business going.
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