15 Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make

15 Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make

15 Mistakes for 15 Years: Reflections from ePresence’s Digital Journey

We’re 15 years in business and 2008 feels just like yesterday! Back then, Ireland’s economy was facing challenging times i.e. the Economic Downturn, Dustin the Turkey was our entry for the Eurovision and here in Cork, ePresence was taking its’ first steps in the digital world.

As we celebrate our 15th anniversary , we’ve been reflecting on our journey and the industry at large. From our vantage point as a leading digital marketing agency in Cork, we’ve seen businesses, including ours, navigate a landscape of continual change. So as we toast to our 15-year milestone, we’re shedding light on 15 common mistakes we’ve seen in businesses during this time. While some are uniquely digital, many mirror broader business missteps.

  1. Not Setting Clear Goals
    Every campaign or initiative requires clear, measurable objectives. Just “being online” isn’t a goal. Instead, aim for actionable targets, such as increasing sales by 10% by June, boosting email subscribers by 50 in November or enhancing website traffic by a significant percentage etc. At ePresence, we emphasise the importance of actionable goals to drive genuine progress.
  2. Neglecting Mobile Users
    With the majority now accessing the internet via mobile devices, not having a mobile-responsive website or ad campaign is effectively shutting your doors to potential customers. Do you know what percentage of visitors view your site on mobile? Why not take out your phone now and experience your website firsthand. Ask yourself: is this the user experience I want for my potential customers? Ensuring a seamless mobile experience isn’t just an option, it’s a necessity and we really encourage that.
  3. The “One Size Fits All” Approach
    Every business is unique and so should its digital strategy be. What works for one might not work for another. Bespoke strategies always outperform generic ones. It’s tempting to replicate a competitor’s approach or adopt the latest trend, but it’s important to understand your own brand’s essence, audience and values. Tailoring a strategy that fits with your brand’s voice and goals can lead to more meaningful and lasting connections with your audience.
  4. Overlooking Employee Well-being
    Ensuring the well-being of your team is paramount. While targets and sales are essential, the heart of a company lies in its people. A motivated and well-cared-for employee is often more productive and loyal. Regular check-ins, team-building activities and understanding individual needs can go a long way. Investing in your team’s well-being is, in our opinion, investing in the sustained growth and reputation of your company. Happy employees equal happy customers.
  5. Misunderstanding Social Media Metrics
    Chasing ‘vanity metrics’ like followers or likes, without understanding engagement or conversion rates, can give a skewed view of success. Remember, it’s better to have a smaller, engaged audience than a vast, passive one. Knowing the difference can redefine your social media success.
  6. Not Investing in Continuous Learning
    The digital marketing world isn’t static; it evolves every day, bringing new challenges and opportunities. Staying updated might have been a challenge in the past, but with today’s massive range of online resources, continuous learning has never been more accessible. From bite-sized tutorials on YouTube to comprehensive courses online, there’s no shortage of ways to expand your knowledge. Keeping abreast of the latest trends and techniques is not just a recommendation; it’s a necessity to remain fresh and competitive.
  7. Overlooking Data-Driven Decisions
    In our 15 years of observing digital marketing practices, one common oversight has been the neglect of analytics. The amount of data available today is staggering. However, its real value lies in its interpretation and application. Many businesses either fail to look at their analytics or, if they do, they don’t use the insights to guide their strategy. This can lead to missed opportunities and wasted resources. It’s not just about gathering numbers; it’s about understanding what those numbers are telling you. Analytics will provide the answers.
  8. Not Having a Crisis Management Plan
    Whether it’s a social media blunder or an unhappy customer, having a plan in place helps reduce potential harm. A crisis management plan provides a roadmap, ensuring that your team knows how to respond promptly and professionally. It’s not just about damage control; it’s about preserving trust and demonstrating your brand’s commitment to accountability. In our experience, it’s often not the crisis itself, but how you handle it, that leaves the most lasting impression on your customers.
  9. Being Impersonal in Communications
    With automation tools available, it’s easy to lose the personal touch in communications. But that is exactly what many customers look for. It’s not just about addressing them by their first name; it’s about understanding their individual needs, preferences and history with your business. Tailored recommendations, personalised offers or even a simple thank you note goes a long way.
  10. Not Celebrating Small Wins
    While it’s essential to have a big picture vision, celebrating small milestones, like our 15-year anniversary, keeps the team motivated and acknowledges effort. These celebrations act as reminders of the progress made, reinforcing the belief that every step, no matter how small, contributes to the bigger picture of business success.
  11. Not Seeking Expertise When Needed
    Doing it all in-house might seem like a cost-effective approach initially, but in the long run, it can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. While in-house efforts are commendable, sometimes an expert’s touch can make all the difference. Recognising when to get external help can be the difference between good and exceptional outcomes for your business.

ePresence Digital Marketing Agency Cork, Kerry and Wexford.

In our 15 years at ePresence, we’ve both made and seen these mistakes. But we believe in turning them into learning experiences. Each mistake has a lesson embedded, one that has shaped our journey and made us who we are today: a team dedicated to delivering excellence in a continually changing digital world. Here’s to many more years of learning, growing and helping businesses achieve their goals!

Digital Marketing can be tricky, but you don’t have to do it alone. We’re always here to share insights and lend a helping hand. Want to chat about your experiences or discuss some of these points further? Get in touch with ePresence Digital Marketing.

The post 15 Digital Marketing Mistakes Businesses Make appeared first on ePresence Digital Marketing.

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