15 Lead Magnets Guaranteed to WOW Prospective Customers
When we first think about the idea of a lead magnet and how we can incentivize our prospects to do what we want them to do – most people immediately think COUPON. And quite honestly, coupons can be great lead magnets if they’re done properly, but we don’t want to just think coupons or discounts – there is a whole new world of “valuable offers” out there… we’re going to talk about 15 different types of lead magnets.
Now this list is by no means comprehensive – we could easily add more categories and subcategories but this is a really solid list to give you some ideas about the types of things that we can offer our prospects.
1 Guides / Reports / E-books
2 Case Studies
3 Cheat Sheet/Handout/Checklist
4 Video Training/Webinars
5 FREE/Discounted Access
6 Special Access – AKA “The Velvet Rope”
7 Quiz
8 >Surveys
9 Contests / Sweepstakes
10 Event Recordings
11 Branded Materials
12 Physical Gifts
13 Swipe Files
14 Samples
15 Workshops
So there you have it … 15 different types of lead magnets! I’m sure that a few of these probably stuck out as definite winners for your crowd. Test some out until you identify what the perfect lead magnet is going to be for your audience.
Now It’s Your Turn
Use the comments section below and tell me what has been your most successful lead magnet, and why?
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