Within just a few years, SEO has gone through an extensive research process. The experts are never off the laboratory to invent something refreshing with new SEO algorithms. Google’s all time effort is to receive satisfactory user experience. It’s completely unbelievable that just a decade back, everyone’s motive was to drive traffic and get rankings. No matter, how they proceed, traffics must be brought in by any means. Hence, on the process, people gave birth to a new SEO execution and that’s called Black Hat SEO. However, after sometimes, all wrong efforts went in vain as Google did not like it and started penalizing those who tried to go against the stream.
On this date, a few masterminds have come out with ‘Open Secrets’ to SEO and success around it. Brands who get higher ranking and crowded traffic obviously do have greater content what actually serves potential customers’ search intent. They enjoy good and stable ranking because they proceed through valid technological angle. You too can enjoy higher traffic, if you get yourself introduced to these SEO Secrets:
• Make your thoughts as simple as no one elses’:
In the area of SEO, everything is just enigmatic. But, attaining success is still in your hands. You have got brain and let it not get overtaken by ambivalence. Make the best use of it and accept that there are more in your place thinking the same way. Ideas are very few, but users are innumerable. The much earlier you get to the SEO Secrets, the faster success comes to you.
• Content is the king in SEO:
Today, old information gets automatically trashed or archived and Google promotes all the of-late contents prioritizing its users’ experience. Users do not prefer to read out 1 week old post and look further for 1 day old or a few hours’ old contents. So, it is quite a hard job for you and mandatory as well to keep your content accurate and fresh.
• Users’ handling must be prioritized:
As no one is left with leisure time today, it requires the entire business runner to be much faster at their services. Gone is the era when people used to sit with assembled computer and laptop at a particular place and process their searches. Today, if users do not find any of their required website mobile-responsive, they quit and switch over to the other one what serves their purpose better. So, you too make sure your website has the fastest load ability and is mobile-responsive as well.
Just a few days back, Google has announced that most of their American users are largely satisfied with mobile-responsive websites. With the emergence of ‘Mobilegeddon’ algorithm, Google is showing higher potential to emphasize more and more features with business mobile websites.
• Link Building is all about building relationship with clients:
SEO masters are always found uttering the terms like link building. It simply means strengthening website’s existence with higher credibility. It is all about common sense that whenever a user finds your brand as a cause to credit, the relation between your business and users get more strengthened and solid.
Blog submission and article submission are not only thought as submission. It is submitted to take faith from the users and use it for their welfare through more improvements and updates. But, many of practitioners forget that quality matters eventually. Blindly working on link enforcement does not work to impress Google. Be it blogs or articles and even PRs, only quality-contents with extended relevant information receive the higher values.
• Keyword analysis should be based on users’ search intent:
These days, Google has become the main source of knowledge. Be it a kindergarten goer or a master degree pursuer, Google is helpful for all the class and age. Those who have got questions turn to Google and fulfill their search intents. Hence, if your website contains something useful, readable and informative, then you must get it optimized and help the readers.
The first and foremost way to initiate the optimization is through keyword selection. You, being the practitioner, must ideate the very common type of keyword search-nature by users and then put them forward for optimization. The more your keywords are relevant with your particular business type, the many readers you enjoy at your website.
The last-minute speculation:
Being an updated SEO practitioner, you are required to be empathetic. Your job is to answer users’ questions in a best way. Gone those days are when there used to be self-serving, scam my and spam my SEO practices. Good time it is, users are getting more relevant and credible information. It is happening just because SEOs now have started thinking for users’ needs. It is not a do or dies situation you are at, all you need to do is to produce fresh contents and help users in their quest.
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