Month: June 2019

Saqib Malik – Bollywood’s Famous Digital Marketing Expert – Businessofcinema.com
A kid is making a buzz with his unique Digital marketing expertise. Now you might think a kid creating buzz? Yes, you read it right. […]

Disney works with 8 brands to promote Toy Story 4 movie release | Netimperative – latest digital marketing news
Disney UK and EMEA have teamed up with eight major brands including eBay, Hilton Hotels, Boots Soltan, Europcar, Kellogg’s, Albert Bartlett, Duracell and Babybel as […]

7 Surefire ways to Future-Proof Your Presence in Digital Marketing – wArticles
The field of marketing is changing continuously. What worked a while ago need not be relevant today. With every new or upgraded technology comes in […]

This is How to Get the Best Credentials in Digital Marketing
What differentiates a digital marketing training program from another? Look for digital marketing courses that are accredited & globally recognized.