2020 Digital Marketing Strategies For Real Estate Agents

The real estate segment is one that is strife with competition and any extra edge will be additional revenue. Besides careful strategic planning, the adoption of non-traditional methods should be the key, rather making use of digital marketing is the key. Digital marketing requires persistence, keeping in mind that results are not achieved too fast.

People buying a house rely more on their instincts. And the modern buyer relies on online research and data to finalize on a property. This is where digital marketing comes to the builder’s aid. Social Pulsar as the  and with a number of leading clients in the Real Estate sector has been able to capture the vibe of these home buyers.

Given here are some digital marketing tools we employ to boost sales and related activity.

Social Media

Where does your brand stand?

The pulse of the Real Estate industry lies in advertisements. So all social media platforms should be targeted through social media profiles. It is important to interact and communicate to our audience through these platforms.

An active social media presence helps gain credibility and boost business.

Content management systems

Tips through content management or pushing blog articles helps establish authority in the domain.Content marketing through blogging is another way to boost your digital presence providing long term results. This also helps with researching your industry. Through curating informative thought pieces, you can garner a huge fan base which leads to prospective home buyers.

Live chat

Only a genuine buyer will go for a detailed conversation and what more to tap them than through live chat on the website. It helps in personalized interaction and data gathering for sending information.


Sharing videos on the website will help people have a view of your projects and client base. People are much more likely to view videos if presented through social media. Live videos would be an even better option.

AR and VR

Augmented reality and virtual reality are technologies to be capitalized on in the real estate industry. They provide digital images and turn them into real-life environment.

Virtual reality (VR), on the other hand, gives the users a live view or 360-degree view. Both these offer virtual views increasing the chances of conversion. 

Optimized website

Your website showcases your business. Social media and third-party content platforms essentially drive people to the website. This makes the website optimization mandatory. An optimized website will fit all devices. Checking factors like loading time and compatible design templates will further enhance footfalls. 

Employing IDX in websites

IDX stands for Internet Data Exchange. This basically gives your website wide functionality and a reason for clients to come back to reference properties.IDX helps save client information including their search details. 


Most home buyers/sellers will start their respective real estate processes with a Google search, SEO is an area where you will need to pay special attention. The internet is where your competition lies and the search engine results page (SERP) is your playing field.

Through Search Engine Optimization (SEO) you optimize your website so that it helps rank on SERP or Search Engine Result page helping you gain more visibility. Online presence through credible backlinks and quality web pages. It shows your website’s technical performance with the search engine and the credibility of your site.

Google Analytics

This provides an analysis of the people visiting the site. You also get details on the geography and demographics and can chart strategies accordingly.

We at Social Pulsar has been using state of the art technologies to tap into this segment, which helps better understand the real estate audience, that is crucial to the implementation of campaign strategies.

Email Marketing

Email marketing gives you very high ROI, especially with integrating client database. Keep your database updated on a regular basis depending on the stage of the buyer. The list can also be prioritized on the basis of the engagement level, according to which newsletters and other information can be sent. This process can also be automated and analyzed.


While well managed digital marketing strategies can bring you good leads, following up with them is crucial to conversions. Maintaining good relations with clients, new and old is also important for sustenance.

Explore the various options to enhance your digital presence and mostly it may not be the forte of the builder. Boost your online presence through the , in devising strategies through data-driven marketing techniques. 

We at Social Pulsar ensure that our clients receive the best and reap advantages from the state of the art practices and tools we employ from keyword optimization through SEO strategies to social media campaigns to content marketing to the generation of leads.

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