If 2020 were a drink, what would it taste like?
Creative agency R/GA Australia and alcohol service company Jimmy Brings have decided to toast to the end of a tough year with a drink like no other. With the help of mixologists at Brewtopia, they have concocted a 2020-inspired flavor made of revolting ingredients.
Those interested can get their hands on the exclusive run of ‘2020 in a can’ that is meant to reflect the bitterness of the year.
Speaking of the drink, Michael Titshall, VP, managing director of R/GA Australia, said. “Think stale breath from too much face-mask wearing, foamy hand sanitizer, and a salty aftertaste that lingers.”
Jimmy Brings’ head of marketing Kamie Gagliari added, “We tried and tested all sorts of horrible flavors—sourdough starter, olive brine, black jelly beans, toothpaste—and have landed a drink that we think commemorates the year we’ve all endured.”
If you are interested in getting one, you can place your order here.
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