Collagen is a buzz word in the beauty and skincare industry. This substance is also popular for models, actors, entertainers, and for older people. Why is collagen so important? We’ll it helps a person to maintain a youthful appearance and to look younger than their age. The information presented here will inform you about collagen skin care benefits and the best collagen skin care products in 2021.
What is the benefits of collagen?
Collagen is an important substance in the human body. This substance is in fact a protein. Its primary function is to help hold the body together. Your muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, organs, and even your blood cells all contain collagen. Another great benefit of collagen is its ability to keep your skin elastic and it reduces wrinkles.
Collagen is naturally produced in the body. However, as we age, we all lose it. This is one major reason why a 50-year-old man will look old and worn down when compared to a 25-year-old man. It also helps to explain why older people cannot physically perform or function like they did when they were younger. Collagen just helps the body to maintain its vitality, suppleness, and elasticity.
By the way, you know one of the reasons why young people can stretch and contort their bodies in many strange and unusual positions? We’ll collagen plays a huge role with this process. Contortionists, gymnasts, and dancers all need collagen to master their craft. If a person is able to keep their collagen levels high into their old age, they should be able to retain some of their youthful ability to contort their body.
Also, the type of collagen that your body produces matters as well. When people are young, their body generally produces a high grade of collagen. This factor helps people to look young, perky, and youthful. As people grow older, they start to produce a poorer quality of this substance. This is why wrinkles, saggy skin, and bags under people’s eyes begin to form. The key to keeping these age-related issues under control is to maintain a better quality of collagen over time.
This is why collagen products are important. The more that people use these substances on their body, it will help to improve their skin. This is why collagen-based products are sought after by people who work in entertainment, modeling, television, and pageants. All the people who work in media related fields need to look their best.
Collagen Skin Care Benefits
Collagen skin care products have benefits for users.
These benefits include:
All these benefits will help your skin to appear younger and more refreshed. Collagen is needed to help your skin to achieve this type of appearance. You should also know that collagen will help the skin over all parts of your body and not just your face. However, the face is the first thing that most people notice about a person, so the focus of collagen products is primarily used for this part of the body.
A Quick Word about Collagen and a Person’s Hands, Legs, and Feet
When people age, key parts of their body tend to reflect that older status. Their face, hands, legs (especially around the knee area) and their feet show a person’s true age. We already know that people’s faces usually reveals how old they are. But did you know that a person’s hand’s can also be used to gauge their age? A person’s hands are generally exposed to a lot of sunlight throughout the years. Most people don’t wear gloves to protect them from the sun.
If a person has a youthful looking face, but their hands look worn, wrinkly, and dry; chances are they are older than what they appear. Take a look at a person’s feet. The collagen level in an older person’s feet will diminish dramatically. Old wrinkly looking feet will be the result and you can have a better idea about their age based on how their feet look.
Women who wear dresses tend to show off their legs. However, if you look closely around their knee area, you can see the wrinkles, sagging skin, and blemishes that reveal their true age. These key points of the body should also be improved with collagen because they are often hit hard with the physical effects of old age. This condition is also true for men as well.
Collagen products should be used all over the body and not just the face. This will provide the best results. Also, using collagen products on your hands, feet, and legs will make it harder for people to really know your age.
The Best Overall Collage Skin Care Products of 2021
Here is a list of the best overall collage skin care products on the market in 2021
1.Isagenix Collagen Elixir
First up on the list is Isagenix Collagen Elixir is a collagen drink based product. This collagen supplement works from the inside out. Most collagen products are applied to the skin. However, Isagenix Collagen Elixir is taken into your body. It comes in a powder form that you mix with water.
This substance utilizes hydrolyzed fish collagen. The fish species used for this product includes, haddock, cod, pollock. It also contains Goji (a plant) extract powder, aloe vera, acerola berry extract, and chamomile extract. Apple juice concentrate, acacia gum, lecithin from sunflowers, concentrated apple juice, and aloe vera juice powder. Stevia leaf extract and citric acid are included as well.
This product provides the best results in between 3 weeks to a month. A person’s skin will look brighter, more radiant, firmer, hydrated, and better-looking appearance. The product is sold in a box of 10, 16.9oz bottles. Each bottle is to be consumed individually. Once you do this your skin will start to improve in about 30 days.
2.Sisley Cosmetics Botanical Night Cream With Collagen and Woodmallow
This skin care product works best at night. When you go to sleep apply the skin cream to your dermis and wake up with refreshed skin. The concentrated formula is soluble collagen that has been designed to be absorbed into your skin. Sisley Cosmetics Botanical Night Cream With Collagen and Woodmallow also acts as a firming cream. Botanical Night Cream has been designed for all skin types.
This product is excellent for reducing fine lines and wrinkles from your face. It is also useful for other parts of your body as well. The woodmallow ingredient helps to soften your skin while enhancing the effect of collagen. This product is expensive but well worth the price. It is also sold in a 1.6oz jar.
3. L’Oreal Collagen Moisture Filler Facial Day Night Cream
L’Oreal is a famous cosmetics company and they provide a collagen product called Collagen Moisture Filler Facial Day Night Cream. This collagen mixture has been designed to improve a person’s skin over time. It is especially beneficial for fine lines and wrinkles.
This product works best at night. You should wash and dry your face before applying the cream. Once you apply it the product will fill in lines and wrinkles in about a month. It also useful for restoring moisture and for making your face look a few years younger. This in an affordable product for skin care. This product is sold in 1.7-inch jars.
4. FIRMx Collagen Moisturizer
FIRMx Collagen Moisturizer takes a different approach to collagen-based products. It utilizes various types of collagen materials derived from plant and marine life, amino acids, hydroxyproline, fatty acids, and amino acids. Hyaluronic Acid and Squalane are also included into the ingredient.
The combination of these different ingredients provides advance collagen restoration to fine lines and wrinkles in a person’s face and body. FIRMx can be applied during the day or night. This products strength is that it helps to keep a person’s skin firm and in good shape. You can purchase this product in a 1.7oz jar.
5.Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream
Elemis Pro-Collagen Marine Cream is an expensive product. It contains some exotic collagen ingredients. These ingredients include Mediterranean algae collagen chlorella, rose extract, ginko biloba, mimosa. This product is supposed to work within 14 days which provides quick results. One of the best things about this product is that it has been tested within a clinical setting. The participants stated that they could see results relatively fast. The product is sold in a 1.6oz jar.
Other product brands such as Vitamin C+ Collagen Deep Cream, Algenist GENIUS Liquid Collagen, and DHC Astaxanthin Collagen All-in-One Gel are among the best collagen products on the market. Each of these different brands will help to improve a person’s skin and make it more viable.
Best Male Skin Care Products
A man’s skin is at least 25% thicker than a woman’s skin. This is a genetic difference between males and females. This thickness results from an elevated testosterone hormone within males. Remember, testosterone is the hormone that gives men many of their physical traits. Also, a man’s skin is tougher, and it has more hair which is due to testosterone as well.
One thing you will notice about a male’s skin is that it contains less collagen. However, when a male grows older, they lose their collagen at a slower rate. Have you ever noticed how many young adult women look noticeably older by the time they reach 35? Their collagen is leaving their face at a faster rate. Men can and do look old, but it generally takes a few years more for them to have this type of appearance for their age.
Men’s skin care products have to account for this difference. While there are collagen based products for their skin, they don’t necessarily work in the same way they do for women. A man’s skin needs to be refreshed and hydrated. It doesn’t necessarily need to look plump, full, and smooth. Men generally have oily skin and don’t have to deal with dry skin issues as much.
The products for a man’s face are collagen, serums, and creams. The goal for men skin care is to keep their skin balanced and clean. They should make sure that their skin is not stressed from shaving and they should use skin care products that helps to protect the top layers of their skin layer since they shave.
These types of skin care products are best suited for men. Here are some brands that are presented as the best for guys.
Clinique For Men Maximum Hydrator 72-Hour Auto-Replenishing Hydrator
These are the primary products that guys can use for healthier skin. However, there are plenty more to use for this purpose.
The Best Women Skin Care Products
Most skin care products are designed for women. They are the people who drive the health and beauty market. The goal for women skin care is:
Collagen based products and creams work wonders for females. Also, women should make sure that they think about their skin in terms of makeup care and upkeep. Remember, makeup works against the skin and causes it to look worse over the long run. While men have to worry about the effects of shaving and cutting, women have to worry about makeup use and other facial issues. Remember, the goal of female skin care is all about looking young and having clear skin. Removing wrinkles, fine lines, bags, and wrinkles around the eyes and mouth is crucial for this process.
Also, men and women can use the same collagen based skin products. However, many of these products will be more beneficial for the ladies than the guys. Here are some of the best skin care products for females.
Females have way more products than the ones listed here for their skin care. Each female should try out different collagen based and other types of skin care products to see which type is best suited for them.
The Best Natural Skin Care Product
Natural skin care products usually do not have any man-made ingredients. However, not all organic skin care collagen formulas, creams, or serums are completely free from unnatural ingredients. Since they are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) they don’t need to make sure their products are free from unnatural items. Still, most organic brands do stick with natural ingredients. Here are some of the best natural skin care product brands on the market.
These are some of the best types of collagen and skin products for women to use.
A Quick Word about Eucerin
Eucerin is an outstanding product for skin care. It is a medical grade skin care product used for skin conditions. However, it can be used on people’s skin to make hydrated, firmer, and more appealing. This product can be used with a collagen based skin care regiment. Just use it moderately with your collagen based products.
What is collagen peptides?
Collagen peptides are amino acids that are form in chains taken from bonds. Collagen peptide supplements are proteins derived from the connective tissues of fish and other forms of marine life. These collagen based products are very well suited for placing collagen back into your body.
What is collagen protein?
Collagen protein makes up about 75% of our body’s tissues. This protein source is found in just about every part of the body. Collagen products helps to enhance muscles, skin, and cells within a person’s body.
Keep a Realistic Perspective about Collagen
You should keep a realistic perspective about collagen and what it can do for your looks. Eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and getting enough sleep goes a long way with keeping your body looking young and fresh. This is especially true for your face. You should also avoid drugs, excessive alcohol use and dealing with a lot of stress. These factors will also help to age you quick as well.
Collagen products are not a magic formula for improving your appearance. They can help but they can’t increase the collagen reserve within your body. They can help your body to improve its skin. This has been proven through plenty of clinical research.
No one should rely on collagen alone to improve their appearance. You should also expect to see long term results in about 3 months or more. Remember, the aging process is going to happen no matter what we do. Still, the best collagen based products can help to slow this natural part of life down. Yes, we all will grow old but that doesn’t mean we can’t look our best while we do. Just be realistic about the results you want to experience from collagen based products.
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