3 Effective Digital Marketing Plans For Upcoming Businesses In Kenya

Settling in a market and having an action plan where the
competition is already at its best, is never easy.

Especially for a small company, which with different
companies, but with many other companies that also look for a differentiating
element to stand out and stand out for the consumer.

However, all is not lost. One tactic that brands have
adopted, whether they large or small, is the use of the Internet to spread a

The main issue that has to be worked on is to focus on a
specific, since it has an area of ​​opportunity that can be vital for the
success or failure of an SME.

Research shows that at least 49 percent of organizations do
not have a digital marketing strategy defined correctly.

Related research also show that 39 percent of the
specialists do not find an effective way to apply to digital marketing strategy
for their brand.

Up to this point, there is clearly a competitive advantage
that can be generated (and won) in this section. It is essential to know the
strategy and know where you can guide to succeed through the digital channel.

Social Media

Doing marketing through social networks can be complicated
in the first instance, since to do it well, you have to contemplate different

  1. What kind of platform is the most effective for
    your audience;
  2. Which is the best for the interaction;
  3. Which promotes more the industry in which it
    operates, etc. There is no easy plan to integrate into your business.

Depending on the type of Pyme you have, you have to choose
the right platform. At the time, create the most appropriate content for him.
It has to work in three purposes:

  • Get specific followers
  • Expand the number of visitors to a website.
  • Get involved freely with customers.

SEO Search Engine

Search engine marketing (SEM) is an absolute necessity for
small businesses. Here are two components: SEO (search engine optimization) and
PPC (pay per click).

SEO is about optimizing a site and content to improve your
search engine rankings. Therefore, improve the traffic of your site.

Paid search or PPC marketing has to do with advertising
within the sponsored lists of a search engine. You pay for each click you enter
through the ad, or by printing (CPI).

So, SEO helps boost your traffic organically, while PPC can
help your traffic grow faster. It is a bilateral strategy that can be very

Content Marketing

“Content is king” has become one of the current
maxims for all types of companies and brands. It can take many forms, adapt to
business objectives and generate conversions. e-Books, content of long formats,
videos, etc., are the paths to follow.