3 Favorite Digital Marketing Shortcuts for Your Small Business

Digital marketing is an invaluable element for small businesses. Thanks to digital marketing, small businesses – and their limited marketing budget – can compete in the same market as larger enterprises. In fact, digital marketing allows small businesses to reach thousands – if not millions – of potential customers without breaking the bank.

Using digital marketing is only the beginning. The next step to take is optimizing your use of digital marketing instruments to create a bigger impact on the market. These 3 digital marketing shortcuts are the ones to try if you are looking to expand your market reach and boost conversion.

Fewer Instruments

Most small business owners think that utilizing ALL digital marketing instruments is the way to go. This is why a lot of small businesses have more than 10 social media pages, a website, multiple ad campaigns running at the same time, and even more digital marketing activities to manage.

If you are selling coffee to local customers, there is no need to have your own Dribble or Behance page. If you are marketing your new mobile game to users, spending time and resources maintaining an effective Instagram account can be more rewarding than directing resources to email marketing.

Yes, you don’t have to use all digital marketing instruments. When you have a specific market segment on your sight, focus on using instruments that connect you with people in that segment. You are using the limited resources you have in a more effective and efficient way.


Another way to boost efficiency and effectiveness of your digital marketing campaigns is by automating certain parts of your marketing funnel or workflow. The fact that automation tools let you do a lot with a digital marketing campaign makes this tip even easier to implement.

Tools like PieSync are designed to simplify digital marketing. Using PieSync, you can perform complex tasks such as intelligent Zoho CRM Google Contacts sync without doing things manually. Automating two-way synchronization allows you to focus on serving the customers rather than on routine tasks.

Automation can be expanded to other instruments too. For example, you can automate your email marketing campaign based on triggers. When customers drop their cards, reminder emails can be delivered to them automatically after a couple of days.

Evaluate and Strategize

Last but certainly not least, never forget to do constant evaluation as you execute tasks in your digital marketing campaign. Take time to collect insights from the many instruments you use. Spend some time understanding the insights generated by those instruments too.

Evaluating current digital marketing campaigns allow you to make adjustments, refine how you approach digital marketing, and improve the end results of the campaign. You don’t have to wait until the end of the digital marketing campaign before evaluating it either.

Continuous improvement is the focus here. In fact, it is the focus of all three tips we discussed in this article. Through automation, careful selection of instruments, and closer monitoring and evaluation, you can continuously refine how you approach digital marketing as a whole. Creating bigger impacts on the market is certainly easier when your campaigns are fully optimized.