3 Guidelines to Focus Your Digital Marketing Strategy — and See Results

(PRESS RELEASE) Are you taking advantage of the latest and best digital marketing techniques? When it comes to marketing, many businesses simply stick with what they know, and not without reason. Time-strapped store owners and managers don’t have hours and hours to devote to planning strategies, not to mention acquiring and learning the necessary platforms and technologies. But the businesses that thrive are those that embrace the continually evolving nature of marketing and invest in it wisely. And wisely is the keyword.

A wise investment of your marketing time and dollars is one that ultimately increases efficiency and ROI. For many independent jewelers, spending hours mastering Google AdWords may not be a wise investment. Making simple changes, such as committing to write two new blog posts a month to boost SEO, is a much smarter and more effective use of time.

Marketing books and blogs can make you feel like you need to do a million things at once. But one of the best things about digital marketing is that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. You can (and should) customize your approach to what works for you and meets the unique needs of your customers. Use these three guidelines when deciding what changes and tactics to prioritize.

1. Set small, achievable goals

Setting big, unrealistic goals is the number one reason people end up doing nothing at all. It’s not because they aimed too high, it’s because their goal was too broad, vague, or complex. If your goal is to update your website, where do you begin? When you try to get started, you are quickly overwhelmed by the many options and steps involved. Break the larger goal down into small, specific steps. Instead of updating the website, your goal might be to write ten new product descriptions a week.

2. Focus on consistency

This is another reason small, achievable goals are so important. If your new marketing tactic is too complicated or time consuming, it’s not going to be sustainable. For some, posting a video to Instagram every day is simply not going to happen. It’s too stressful, they’re uncomfortable with social media, it doesn’t suit their personality, or they just don’t have the time. Being realistic about this means you can either delegate the task to someone who loves hanging out on Instagram, or readjust. For example, you might decide to add a brief, personal video message to your weekly email blast instead.

3. Prioritize customer experience

When you see lots of room for improvement and you don’t know where to start, focus on changes that will have the greatest impact on customer experience. That’s because customer experience has the greatest impact on sales, referrals, and loyalty. To identify the highest priority tasks, look at every customer touchpoint, from email and social media to phone calls and mailers, and ask where leads might be slipping through the cracks.

GN Diamond’s Free Marketing Tools are Invaluable

The wisest digital marketing investment independent jewelers can make is available for free. All of the tools created by GN Diamond, including the Diamond Hunt digital sales presentation platform, are offered for free to help you accelerate sales and nurture repeat clients. The platform is intuitive to learn and GN Diamond provides ongoing training and support so you can take full advantage of every feature.

Learn more about the many advantages of the GN Diamond platform at and speak to a representative 7 days a week at [email protected] or 800-724-8810.

The post 3 Guidelines to Focus Your Digital Marketing Strategy — and See Results appeared first on INSTOREMAG.COM.

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