3 Tips for Digital Marketing During Covid-19

We have all seen or experienced first-hand how businesses have been impacted by COVID-19. Few of us have been unaffected, and if we’re being honest, the phrase “new normal” isn’t making the current state of things feel any less strange. But we’re here now, so how can we adapt the way we do things? Read on to find out what we’ve learned from businesses who have managed to keep their heads above water during the pandemic. 

Communication is (Still) Key

Firstly, this may seem extremely obvious, but most businesses haven’t ignored the current state of affairs. How you address the virus in the room will differ depending on the nature of your business, but it does need to be addressed, internally and externally. We recommend avoiding cliches, expressing gratitude towards your existing clients if appropriate, and keeping it professional. 

Keep Your Clients Informed

In addition to whatever statements you make acknowledging the pandemic, don’t forget to educate your clients on how things will work going forward. 

  • Is your shop open? 
  • Do you offer home delivery? 
  • Has your in-person service become an online consultancy over video chat? 
  • What are the purchase and payment options currently available? 

Make sure you address these kinds of questions and make this crucial information easily visible. For example: Include it in a newsletter; pin a social media post to the top of your business page on Facebook; add a banner to your website’s homepage that they won’t miss! However you do it, make sure you keep your audience informed.

Give Until it Hurts

Now is not the time to hard-sell to your followers and potential customers, even though the current climate may compel you to do so. Everyone is online more than usual now, and it’s easy to get swept up in the desperation many of us undoubtedly feel, but that doesn’t mean you can skip the initial phases of the buyer’s journey and expect your audience to respond as though they’re in the “decision” phase if they’re not. Your customers still need to be nurtured, and you still need to provide them valuable material that assists them whichever stage they’re in.

For example: During the initial awareness phase you could provide an informative blog that addresses their pain points; in the consideration phase you might create an online event or interesting white paper that provides more detailed information about your offering. In summary: Don’t stop giving your clients what they need before expecting to make a sale.

From Walk-Ins to Webshoppers

Many small and medium businesses who previously survived on walk-in customers and who were accustomed to dealing with real-life shoppers or in-person service provision have moved what they do online. For some, this has entailed a shift of focus rather than anything totally new. Most businesses have some sort of basic online presence, but the pandemic has forced many  to make their online offering more streamlined, more user-friendly, and more comprehensive. For others, the change has been radical, and they’ve had to move online for the first time. This is not an impossible task – it may just take some time and effort to get traffic pouring in, but with the right strategy, it can be done.

Where to Begin?

Looking to build your online presence from scratch, or enhance your current online offering? Our consultation is free, so send us an email – we’d love to see how we can help strengthen your business.

Email us your business brief to: [email protected]

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