3 Tips for Language Service Providers Starting a Digital Marketing Campaign | Slator

Language service providers (LSPs) help create great international growth opportunities through the translation, transcreation, and localization services they provide companies looking to grow their business.

As LSPs assist their clients with translation services, there are a number of synergistic opportunities that can benefit language service providers and clients alike. The ultimate result is that companies are able to promote their brands in new markets, reaching more customers across the globe.

The value created by digital marketing campaigns with proper translation and transcreation services is second to none when transitioning to international markets. However, there are gaps between services offered and the digital reach of the global language market.

Where to Start: Define Clear Digital Marketing Campaign Goals

The primary challenge for any LSP is defining what you want to achieve through digital marketing. Are you trying to build brand awareness? Create more qualified leads through organic traffic? Drive more phone calls to the sales team?

A clear understanding of what you want to gain in the digital space (e.g., your website) will help you determine the best process for your LSP to grow a digital footprint in the translation, localization, and transcreation markets. The first step is setting goals for what you want to achieve, and then building a digital marketing strategy around those goals.

Slator SEO for LSPs – A Detailed Case Study | Free

When setting goals for your website, it is important to consider the different funnels created by various digital marketing channels. The channel for each goal may be different, and you will want to consider the benefits and challenges of each channel. Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve will drive you to the right channel and campaign right off the bat.

It Isn’t All About Money

The language services industry faces many hurdles when it comes to digital marketing, and deciding how to use the budget to achieve your goals is one of the bigger challenges LSP’s face in digital marketing.

Whether large or small, a digital marketing budget can find success or failure. So establish a digital marketing campaign and budget that fits your scope.

It is common for companies to try and run campaigns through all channels based on goals and desires, but budget constraints can often affect the success of some campaigns. That does not mean you will not find success in running a focused campaign in a single channel; or that you need a large budget to start marketing online. It just means that an early mistake in many digital marketing efforts can spread the budget too thin to make the campaign successful.

Utilizing the services LSPs provide others in conjunction with a single campaign focus can be a great way to maximize smaller budgets and create future marketing opportunities for the site

Hyper-focused SEO campaigns can create success in organic markets and help grow revenue to expand the budget for future channels. The same could be said for any channel when you consider which goal is most important to the company.

LSPs have an advantage in this area due to the nature of their services. For example, if the main goal of an LSP is to expand branding around translation services, using social media campaigns can boost brand awareness and drive users to the site. Additionally, it could also bring additional branding and conversion opportunities by presenting landing pages for campaigns complete with multi-language translations and localization optimization applied.

Utilizing the services LSPs provide others in conjunction with a single campaign focus can be a great way to maximize smaller budgets and create future marketing opportunities for the site.

The same logic can be applied to LSPs and search engine optimization (SEO) campaigns. By focusing on SEO, and utilizing the services offered by LSPs, you will be able to provide SEO in multiple languages, expand the brand through international search engines, create a visual representation of the end product a potential organic lead would receive, and build a solid foundation to run additional campaigns via other digital marketing channels down the road.

Stay away from industry jargon, shorthand writing, or acronyms and initials that could confuse search engines

While every marketing team would like to run multi-channel campaigns with high-budget ad spends and resources, the reality is that not every company has loads of resources to run digital marketing campaigns across every available channel.

Keep in mind, there are many avenues for reaching potential customers through digital marketing — and, for an LSP, identifying the goals that provide the best growth opportunities within the available budget will always be the best course of action.

Content, Content, More Content!

LSPs have a great opportunity to use their websites to demonstrate the benefits of translation and localization services by generating content around translation, transcreation, and localization. The LSP just needs to clearly identify each service offered and how it helps the end consumer.

Stay away from industry jargon, shorthand writing, or acronyms and initials that could confuse search engines in understanding what language service providers are all about. A quick Google search will show you that even the initialization “LSP” is understood to be something entirely different than what is represented on language service provider websites.

If the content does not drive users to understand and convert, the campaign will ultimately prove unsuccessful — regardless of the budget

By creating content and building a knowledge base about LSPs as language service providers, you can create higher intent-driven users to your site and spend less time filtering out poor leads.

Content is a key cog in the success of any digital marketing campaign, especially when you are trying to establish a connection between the services you offer and how search engines understand those services.

If the content does not drive users to understand and convert, the campaign will ultimately prove unsuccessful — regardless of the budget or breadth of digital marketing campaign an LSP is running.

If you need help with your digital marketing campaign, allow us to assist you.

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