If you’re a marketer or business, you don’t have a lot of money to waste on expensive advertising like big competitors. To succeed online with a smaller budget, you have to learn market like MacGyver.
MacGyver always started out with a goal. Start outlining specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals, connect brainstorming with business partners and connections to come up with several inexpensive outside-the-box marketing strategies.
Goal setting produces ideas that are tailor-made for your business; incorporating your key values and mission.
Then, if you’re really feeling stumped for ideas, get creative with these:
1. Create something that helps others.
The best types of content are those that focus on your target market – not you. Know your customer: what frustrates them, what makes them happy, and what will make them want to share what you have with their loved ones.
Winning content solves a their problems. Make sure to add visual elements to all your digital content. Human beings are visual and graphics catch the eye and emotion.
2. Learn from the masters.
Do you know someone else that is already killing it online? Watch them and learn from them. See how they are repurposing content, aligning products, and sharing with social media networks.
Pay special attention to how their customers are responding. Then, slowly, start testing your own waters.
3. Measure the options.
Too many decisions! Do you cut the red wire or the white wire? Do you buy the t-shirt with short or long sleeves? Which color is better for that dog bed, purple or brown? It’s tough being a customer with so many products to choose from.
Help your customers with a marketing comparison guide. Lay out the details and guide your target market to the best choice. Never leave them guessing their purchase.
Why not think outside the box?
See what you already have to create something new, exciting, and so fascinating that your customers will have no choice but to become your brand champions.
Image courtesy of ScreenCrush.com.
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