Regardless if you work within a marketing role or not, generating leads and converting them to sales is the end goal of a business. At OneCom Media & Marketing, our experienced team is trained and focused on the growth of our Partners. We have over 11 years of experience within the digital marketing world and are happy to help others by putting together some basic information about the best ways to generate leads with digital marketing.
What is Lead Generation in Digital Marketing?
Lead generation is the process of attracting the interest of online viewers and transforming them into potential prospects for your company. Lead generation in digital marketing is a fundamental element within a business to convert sales. There are many types of lead generation but with digital marketing specifically, it leverages many different online resources.
How Can You Generate Leads?
SEO or search engine optimization is one of the best ways to gain leads for your company. In optimizing your sites you can get ahead and push your company higher and higher on Google search.
There are two main ways to work with SEO.
Product and service sites. Generally both have a lower-level funnel output. Both are good ways to help promote your product while allowing the customer to see and shop online items that they desire. Additionally, both are great ways to get more exposure and helps push your company up on google searches.
Blog posts and articles. They both have more of a middle-level funnel output on Google. Posts and articles help to connect your business with customers and give them answers directly from you while still building that SEO optimization to help your company grow.
Email Marketing
has been a resource used by professional marketers for many years but it is still extremely effective. Utilizing email marketing within your website is a very helpful tool to pull more leads. Say a customer shops for an item and clicks on it and views it for a little bit. Maybe they even added it to their cart. With email marketing you can send an email to their inbox reminding them about the product or service and intrigue them into coming back to your website. Email marketing is extremely good at working with these follow-ups/reminders. Using this tactic for your company will help boost your leads and will help you learn more about the customer and their preferences.
Social Media Ads
Within digital marketing, using paid social media ad services like Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and LinkedIn ads help boost your amount of leads generated. Using social media ad services like Facebook are great to have especially because the majority of people online use Facebook. In 2021 nearly 71% of the entire internet users regularly use Facebook. That means most of your traffic flows through Facebook. Prioritizing sites like that will significantly help boost your lead generation. Utilizing Facebook and other social media sites is a key that can boost your lead generation
That is a lot to take in as a business owner. If you need more within the marketing space our team here at OneCom is extremely experienced and is readily available to help you market your business. to learn more!
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