You’ve got your One-Sheet, you are booking ready and have already been featured on a few podcasts – woot woot! The hard part is over right?
Nope – your work has just begun.
Appearing as a guest on a podcast does not magically provide you with the ability to
Sure the host will publish and promote their episode to their audience but you can not rely on the host alone to leverage this golden opportunity!
Here are 3 ways to leverage your guest podcasting opportunities to get the most ROI out of it.
Publish It On Your Site
Whaat? Can you do that? Absolutely! It’s content that you helped create. Just like a blog post, you can create a post on your site that showcases the episode you guested on.
Share an image, the notes of what the episode was about, and either the audio link (so there is an audio player on the post) or link to the hosts’ page to listen.
Maybe the host didn’t publish it on their site, or didn’t send you information to use – that’s okay. You have the ability to make it your own.
1 – Create your own branded image for the podcast episode (for the post and for social media)
2 – Listen to the episode and make notes of what you covered, questions that were asked of you, or important points and tips you shared. Use this information for the ‘show notes’.
3 – Add any important links onto the post and don’t forget an important Call To Action – a free resource, webinar, strategy call….
4 – For someone to listen to it they’d have to link to the episode in iTunes (or another directory), the hosts page where it plays or if you are tech savvy you can even get the code and audio link to embed onto the post.
Here’s an example to show you how from when I guested on the All About Digital Marketing Podcast.
“By having the content on your site you are able to drive organic traffic, SEO the content (and thus drive even more traffic) and also convert more leads and showcase your services. Win Win.”
Publish On LinkedIn
This one stumps some entrepreneurs. LinkedIn used to have an area called LinkedIn Pulse, where people could publish articles, blogs and so forth. They did away with the name but they continued to keep the feature of publishing articles.
You’ll see in LinkedIn you can start a post, share a picturee or video, post an event and yep, write an article.
It’s super easy. You insert an image, add the notes and links and voila! You can see this example here.
It showcases you as an expert, gets infront of your audience and also drives more organic traffic to your site.
Leverage Your Guest Podcasting Opportunities: Create More Content
Of course you are going to promote this episode on social media and share that you were featured on the show and what you discussed and why to take a listen BUT are you leveraging the content in other ways?
I mean think about it, you shared so many great tid bits of information, tips, insights, strategies, a fresh perspective, and inspiration to help others. Why not pull out those ‘info bytes’ and create MORE content, instead of wracking your brain each week trying to figure out what to post on social.
Create stand alone posts that share 1 quote, or 1 thought or tip.
Here’s an example.
I get so many entrepreneurs that wonder WHAT to email their list to keep in touch.
What about your podcasts?!
Whether you were a guest or it is YOUR show, let’s not forget your warm audience. You always want to stay top of mind, nurture them and share amazing content that helps them.
👉 Bonus tip? Share a resource, a webinar, or product in your PS, OR have a call to action on your podcast page to bring them further into the funnel!
Think of how many posts you can create from all the golden nuggets of info you shared, or quotes or questions to ask your audience. A gold mine!
By thinking of all the different publishing and promoting opportunities, and ways you can use the content (splinter, re-use, recycle), you can leverage your guest podcasting episodes in a bigger way. It not only makes it easier for you to create content for your site and social media, but it puts you out there, extends your reach and helps build your authority platform to grow your business through the power of podcasting.
For more great tips or to get help producing and promoting your podcasts or podcast guesting head to smoothbusinessgrowth.com
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