33 Best Blogs for UK Digital Marketing Professionals in 2020 | authenticstyle

Today we’re going to share with you 33 blogs that we believe all UK marketing professionals should be subscribed to in 2020.

In fact, this is the same list of marketing blogs that we have bookmarked and read regularly at authenticstyle HQ – the techniques and tips of which we’ve used countless times to help our clients grow their businesses.

We’ve gone for quality rather than quantity in this list and we’ve also categorised this list of marketing blogs to make it easier for you to jump to the topics relevant to you.

So, let’s get started.

NB: Some of the blogs on this list are from companies based in the USA, BUT the content on all of these marketing blogs is definitely still relevant for UK based marketing professionals.

General Digital Marketing Blogs

The eight blogs we’ve listed here cover a vast array of digital marketing topics, but all are well worth a bookmark. Let’s dive in…

HubSpot is a great CRM for digital marketers and business owners and they have a fantastic blog, packed full of digital marketing advice for marketing professionals.

What can you expect?
Lots of free downloadable resources like “How to Build, Run & Analyse Marketing Reports”, and downloadable reports too, like “The 2019 Instagram Engagement Report”. Perfect for helping you refine your Instagram marketing for 2020.

Neil Patel is a US marketeer with plenty of experience. Whilst Neil himself is the brand, he has big agency team behind him and they are always producing quality, engaging content that’s worth reading.

What can you expect?
Brilliant posts, videos and case study examples of search engine optimisation, conversion optimisation, online marketing in general and social media. One of our favourite of Neil’s posts that is very on-point is: “Marketing Trends For 2020”.

He also co-hosts a podcast called “Marketing School” which is worth a listen.

Econsultancy offers digital marketing training and regularly publish industry reports. Their blog covers hot topics such as voice search and even follows agency founders and marketers with their “A Day in The Life” series.

What can you expect?
Literally everything digital marketing.

Marketing Land is a daily publication that covers all aspects of the digital marketing industry.

What can you expect?
Daily posts on topics such as social media, search engine marketing, mobile, analytics, display and retail. Definitely worth a bookmark!

Another US blog, but a good one. Digital Marketer offer training courses for digital marketers, but their blog is a fantastic knowledge base with a wealth of information.

What can you expect?
Courses to help you level-up your marketing skills, industry insights, free resources for digital marketers and much more.

Campaign launched as a weekly magazine in London in 1968 and has grown into a global franchise providing real-time news and analysis.

What can you expect?
Deconstructions of current advertising most successful campaigns and the latest insider marketing news, covering top brands like Audi, Sainsburys, IKEA and KFC.

Smart Insights has a great all-around digital marketing blog that we love. They also offer great free downloadable templates and memberships so you can access premium content. Perhaps one to ask your boss for as a Christmas present?!

What can you expect?
Content about creating digital marketing budgets, marketing automation, digital marketing career growth tips, ecommerce and much more.

Growth Hackers is a community of marketers who share articles that have impressed them, so essentially it’s a curated list of popular and relevant digital marketing content – all the hard work finding the best articles has been done for you!

What can you expect?
Links to the most popular trending digital marketing articles that cover content marketing, email marketing, analytics and even design.

Social Media Marketing Blogs

As a digital marketing professional much of your time is likely spent creating social media marketing strategies your business can benefit from. We’ve only included two blogs in this section, but my-oh-my are they good!

Don’t be put off by the slightly dated designed of the Social Media Examiner website. It’s the go-to resource for social media marketing.

What can you expect?
‘How to’ style articles, ways to boost social media engagement, paid social media tips and the latest platform updates from the likes of Facebook and Instagram.

Buffer is a tool that lets you plan out your entire social media marketing strategy and content. They also have a great blog packed full of social media marketing tips.

What can you expect?
A great podcast cleverly named “Breaking Brand, posts about the psychology of social media, and case studies about how big brands are winning on social.

Ecommerce Marketing Blogs

If you’re marketing an ecommerce store then these 6 blogs are for you.

Practical Ecommerce started in 2005 and provides down-to-earth articles to help ecommerce businesses succeed online.

What can you expect?
Quality articles on a range of ecommerce topics, such as; analytics, conversion, management, marketing, SEO and shipping.

Get Elastic is a quality blog focused on ecommerce trends, emerging technologies and digital insights for marketers and even developers.

What can you expect?
Posts on the future of ecommerce, B2B ecommerce, innovation and much more.

Big Commerce actually offer a hosted ecommerce solution, but their blog is packed full of tips to help you grow your ecommerce business.

What can you expect?
Articles on social media and how ecommerce brands can utilise all the big platforms, how to use email marketing to increase your sales, and loads more. This site has some quality, really well written content.

Trusted Shops offer products to help your ecommerce store gain more trust, as we all know in ecommerce – trust sells.

What can you expect?
Their blog contains digital marketing trends and advice specifically for ecommerce, like how to utilise SMS marketing and how to increase traffic with visual content marketing.

Again, get past the bad design and you’ll find quality content about ecommerce industry news – perfect for digital marketers working with ecommerce brands.

What can you expect?
This blog is mainly focused on the latest industry news – like the new Royal Mail fines for retailers coming into effect in Jan 2020. It also covers insights on the big two – Amazon and eBay.

We love working with Woocommerce – it’s our ecommerce platform of choice, and their own blog has some great tips, like “How to use subscriptions to create recurring revenue for your online store”.

What can you expect?
The majority of posts are related to the Woocommerce platform, but there are some real gems of ecommerce digital marketing advice mixed in too.

SEO Blogs

Whether you personally handly the SEO for the business you work for as a marketing professional, or you work with an SEO agency, it’s worth knowing your stuff regardless.

Moz is the go-to blog for information on search engine optimisation and they have a pretty awesome paid tool that allows you to monitor your search traffic (and compare it with your competitors).

What can you expect?
A plethora of SEO related content. Anything from Google’s latest algorithm updates to optimising your site for local search. They also include data from surveys too, with “The Marketing Tactics People Love (And Love To Hate)” being a particularly useful recent post we recommend reading.

Search Engine Land is another of our go-to resources for search engine marketing content and insights.

What can you expect?
Articles on search engine marketing, local search, Google, Bing, mobile search and more. This is another must read for any digital marketer.

Search Engine Journal is another big player in the search marketing space providing a wealth of knowledge.

What can you expect?
Quality articles on SEO, PPC. content marketing, social media marketing and just general news from the SEO industry.

Yoast SEO is THE #1 SEO plugin for WordPress, and Yoast himself (yes Yoast is a guy) is an expert on all search engine marketing matters.

What can you expect?
If your business website runs on WordPress then Yoast’s blog is a must read. They provide tips on how to better utilise the plugin so you can get more from it, and also content marketing and general SEO tips too.

Email Marketing Blogs

Email marketing is so effective, but even as we enter 2020 it’s under utilised for a lot of businesses. These three blogs are must-reads from the three big players in the email marketing space.

Litmus provides a way for marketers to quickly design, build and test email marketing campaigns, and their blog has so much information about reaping the rewards of email marketing.

What can you expect?
Posts about innovation in email marketing, best practices and also a great podcast that’s worth listening too.

Campaign Monitor is another email marketing platform. Based out of Australia, they’ve been offering their platform for many years, and it’s great! We used to use it ourselves.

What can you expect?
Similar to Litmus, their blog covers advice on; best practices for email marketing, automation, personalisation, copywriting and it also includes case studies on how it’s customers have utilised email marketing which are well worth dedicating some time to.

Ah, MailChimp – our preferred email marketing platform of choice.

What can you expect?
Like the other two above, MailChimp’s blog contains pretty similar content. The blogs of these three providers are worth listening to due to the volume of emails that all three platforms send out on behalf of their customers (that’s marketers like you and I).

This gives them access to a massive amount of data that we can learn from – such as this post on “MailChimp’s Most Popular Subject Line Emojis”

Paid Marketing Blogs

As a digital marketing, knowing how to utilise paid marketing (e.g. Google Ads and paid social media) to get more eyeballs on your brand will help advance your career.

If you manage Google Ads campaigns WordStream provide a tool that helps you optimise your campaigns for more clicks and lower costs. They’ve also got some free digital marketing tools which are worth checking out too.

What can you expect?
Information about the latest features in Google Ads, how to optimise your Google Ad campaigns and loads of general digital marketing advice too.

Adzooma is a tool that lets you optimise Google, Facebook and Microsoft ads all under one roof.

What can you expect?
The Adzooma blog has some great digital marketing articles with tips and advice when it comes to running PPC campaigns, as well as articles about the psychology of marketing which are worth reading too.

Conversion Blogs

You can be driving all the traffic in the world to your website, but if those visitors aren’t taking action then it’s a waste of time. Learning about conversion is a must for any marketing professional.

Optimizely is a split testing tool with a cracking blog packed full of ideas for your digital marketing arsenal!

What can you expect?
A/B testing ideas so you can come up with more winning tests for your website, case studies and articles specifically about conversion on mobile devices – a key topic if you ask us!

Another software company, Unbounce provide a landing page builder so you can easily build out landing pages for your marketing campaigns.

What can you expect?
Again, their blog offers loads of advice on landing page optimisation and conversion rate optimisation in general. If you’re looking to squeeze every ounce of juice out of your landing pages, then this is a blog to bookmark.

Video Marketing Blogs

You don’t need us to tell you that video is becoming increasingly popular, what with our attention spans rapidly dwindling. Grabbing attention with video is a very smart marketing tactic to help your business stand out.

Video Brewery offer a great blog with some fantastic tips on video marketing and specific strategies you can use for social media for example.

What can you expect?
You can expect posts about video analytics, video marketing examples, case studies and handy tools to help you get started. We recommend this post “15 Video Tools Every Marketer Needs” as a must read.

The Wave blog is awesome and in our oppinion really nicely designed and easy to navigate. Their video marketing tips are ace too.

What can you expect?
Free resources and insights into video marketing and best practices. If you want to check out a great post to get you started, try “How to Make a Facebook Cover Video in 5 Easy Steps”

Wistia is a video hosting and analytics platform. If you do embrace video as part of your marketing strategy, its a great tool to invest in as it gives you analytics on your videos – e.g. how long did people watch, what did they click on etc.

What can you expect?
The Wistia blog provides what you’d expect; quality posts on how to get started with video marketing, even how to build a simple video studio and if you are wanting to dip your toe in the water with video, check out “5 Types of Video Series Your Business Can Make Today”.

Content Marketing Blogs

Content marketing is the new way of marketing. Creating high-quality, valuable content and putting it “out there”, whether that be on your website or on social media is the best way to market your business.

Why? Because it establishes your brand as an authority in your industry and drives traffic to your website.

The Content Marketing Institute was set up in the mid 2000’s and has loads of resources, training and blog posts on content marketing.

What can you expect?
You can expect tips on content marketing strategy that your business can adopt, case studies on how others have embraced it as a strategy. Even ways you can push for a content marketing budget within the company you work for.

We’ve been reading CopyBlogger for years. Unfortunately (or fortunately) however you choose to look at it, words are important in marketing and CopyBlogger gives you plenty of tips to hone your writing skills.

What can you expect?
Tips on how to finesse your writing, how to use stories in your marketing to help it hit home and ways you can make your content more sharable. For example, check out “A 7-Point Plan for More Sharable Content”.

Wrapping up…

Keeping on top of the rate of change as a marketing professional is one of the toughest things to do, so we hope you found this list of our favourite marketing blogs useful.

Bookmark these, add them to your RSS reader and dedicate 30 minutes a day to checking out the posts that interest you most from each of these blogs – you won’t regret it!

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