4 Amazing Steps Of Framework For Digital Marketing Strategy

Having a fundamental understanding of the background of digital marketing is very important for you to place a strategy to increase your business awareness. Your digital marketing strategy is a list of actions that helps you to achieve your organisation goals by selecting online marketing channels. The channels could be paid, owned, and earned media and can support a business. guides you with framing digital marketing strategy to enable you to gain visibility in the market.

Through this article, let us discuss the way to implement a 4-step digital marketing strategy framework that would largely benefit your business.

As you all are aware that digital marketing through online and digital tools and channels which is different from traditional marketing like TVs, banners, newspapers, etc. It can also balance your traditional marketing efforts and the other way as well. For example, a flower store can issue coupons to its customers during checkout at the cashier. These coupons can be used in their online store where customers create a membership and get a discount on their online orders. Also, the store can be able to track the details like several customers who redeemed the coupons, can make use of the customer data like email, address, etc. that can be used to build a loyalty program. The data can be received through digital analytics. The various digital marketing channels and disciplines are:

  • Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing
  • Digital Advertising
  • Social Media Marketing and Online PR
  • Mobile Marketing and Content Marketing
  • Web Design and User Experience (UX) Design
  • Web and Digital Analytics
  • Conversion Rate Optimization

The digital marketing channels can be implemented to more than one digital marketing campaigns.

Having said this, the four steps of digital strategy framework are:

Phase 1 – Define

Phase 2 – Implement

Phase 3 – Analyze

Phase 4 – Optimize

Phase 1 – Define

To apply this framework on your business, implement the following:

  • Define your audience
  • Set business goals
  • Buying triggers

This is important to make sure that you kick off on good ground.

At this stage, you define the following three things:

  • Who are the actual buyers from you? (Audience definitions)
  • What is the reason for them to purchase from you? (Micro-moments or buying triggers)
  • What should you to for them to purchase from you? (Macro & Micro conversions/Goals/KPIs)

Audience Definitions – Define your audience is the first step for your digital marketing campaign. It enables you to reach them through the correct digital channels and to create effective marketing collateral like video, eBooks, e-brochures, etc. Audience definitions would different from industry to industry.

(Image Source: Mininventory)

Define Buying Triggers – A micro-moments or buying triggers is the time when a customer discovers a problem and acts on it. For example, Home Depot got good results when it had used location extensions for display ads to reach home. The brand reached customer visibility quickly. At this step, you need to identify these micro-moments and be available when it happens.

Define Macro and Micro Conversions – It is important that both macro and micro conversions need to be defined in your digital marketing campaigns. This will enable to target the right audience and marketing channels. This can be taken as KPIs for your marketing activities. Macro conversions are the big goal of your business. Micro conversions are the milestones that would ultimately lead to macro conversions. For example, a 30-day trial sign up can end up being a paid membership upgrade is a micro conversion example.

(Image Source: Bloopark)

Phase 2 – Implement

Based on your inputs at your first phase, you need to implement the appropriate strategies of digital marketing through many channels.

Digital marketing campaign gets deployed based on the following:

  • Variables
  • Scenarios
  • Conditions that are defined

After you deploy the digital marketing campaign, you can then target the right digital marketing channels that can be used to engage your right targeting audience.

SEO and SEM Implementation – Based on the buying triggers, you can launch the ads on Google Paid Search using Google AdWords.

Implement Display Advertising With Facebook Ads – By using Facebook sponsored newsfeed ads, you will be able to target visitors who have visited your website. You can track them and connect with them for further business dealings.

(Image Source: Sprout Social)

Implement Content Marketing Through Guest Blogging – You can use the guest blog to build brand awareness.

Implement Social Media Marketing – You can create a contest for your social media followers. This will increase your brand awareness and tend to increase brand engagement and loyalty. For this, a Facebook page would be ideal.

(Image Source: WordStream)

Implement Conversion Rate Optimization And User Experience Web Design – Landing pages are very important for your customer’s journey. If you could not convert your visitors, you will not have a good ROI. Ensure that you optimize for conversion when you build your landing pages. You can implement conversion rate optimization through A/B split testing.

Phase 3 – Analyze

Once you have your campaigns, you should collect and analyze the data to increase your ROI. You will have many metrics to measure and analyze. It could range from acquisition channels, audience, average time spent on landing pages, conversion paths, bounce rates, etc. Your analysis depends on your goals and the type of digital marketing campaigns. The two main parameters to track and analyze are the following:

  • Audience Analysis – Segment and analyze your audience. It could provide you with insights on their browsing and purchase behavior. It can allow you to focus to target higher ROI audiences and to improve your user experience and interface.
  • Multi-Channel Attribution – This gives credit to the channels that play a part to secure conversion. It allows you to credit all digital marketing channels that are used to drive conversions.

(Image Source: Prototypr)

Phase 4 – Optimize

This is an important phase, where you could make some minor or major changes based on your digital analytics data. There are many things to optimize in your full journey of a digital marketing campaigns. Leave about to optimize and test button clicks, ad creatives, and landing pages to the respective disciplines. The main two metrics that you should focus to optimize are:

  • Audience Targeting – You need to target the audience group. Once you have targeted them, you can test different audience groups when you launch the same campaign to another audience group. Once you collect the data, you can adjust your campaigns to the best audience group.
  • Marketing Spends On Digital Marketing Channels – Based on the multi-channel attribution model data, you can assign or reassign the marketing amount to the best channels available. If you want to focus on brand and awareness, you should spend more in to the channel that would drive more conversion.

(Image Source: Digital vidya)

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