40 Digital Marketing Tools You Must Be Using

No matter how much you may want to, there is no way you can run an ecommerce store completely on your own. While you may have to start out that way in terms of team members, thankfully there are tons of tools available to use that will help you manage and run every aspect of your store. From graphics programs to marketing tools, analytics measurement, dropshipping, customer service, and social media management, there are endless options out there to help you out.

Once you realize there are so many choices out there, the problem then becomes determining which tools are best. To help you out, we came up with a list of the 40 best marketing tools that you need to be using.

Your brand needs good visuals in order to be successful. At this point, that should pretty much be a given. However, producing those visuals can sometimes be a challenge. Here are some tools that will help you out.

Image Credit(s): Piktochart

If you are looking to put together an infographic (heads up: people love infographics and are 3 times more likely to share and like them than other types of visual content) Piktochart is the way to go. Their wide variety of professional grade templates are easy to work with and incredibly customizable.

Image Credit(s): PlaceIt

PlaceIt specializes in what we’re calling “customizable stock photography.” They provide stock images of iPhones, tables, laptops, banners, brochures, apparel, and more, and allow you to insert your own visual (such as your logo, app layout, or website). This is a great way to produce professional looking marketing material without having to hire a designer or learning how to Photoshop the images yourself.

You might have the best product and best website, but if no one knows about it, there’s no point. Properly marketing your brand to your target audience, and then additionally following up and retargeting the right people, segmenting your emails, posting your blogs, determining keywords- it can get overwhelming. That’s where these tools will come into play and help you out.

Image Credit(s): Aimtell

Web push notifications are quickly becoming one of the best ways to interact with your customers. We’ve already discussed the benefits of web push notifications (which you can read here) but we couldn’t compile a list of marketing tools without mentioning them. With Aimtell, you can send push notifications for just about anything, including shipping notifications, discount offers, cart abandonment, or based on certain target demographics. The options are endless, and the results are impressive. If you would like to start using web push notifications, you can get started in just 5 minutes.

Image Credit(s): Reply

“Cold emailing” is hardly an effective way to increase your sales, as people today are very wary of automated messages. However, with a tool like Reply, you can personalize your messages and set up a schedule for when to send them. Emailing can take you hours each day, so a tool like this can help to handle this for you, while still keeping things personal so that your customers remain happy.

Social Media

While social media is clearly part of marketing, it has become such an important and large aspect of marketing (especially for ecommerce brands) that we broke it out into its own section of helpful tools. Properly leveraging the power of social media is one of the best ways to help scale your business, but it can easily take up a lot of your time if you’re doing everything on your own.

Image Credit(s): Facebook

Of course, what list of social media tools would be complete without listing actual tools present through social media? First off are Facebook ads, which are incredibly useful for targeting and acquiring new customers based on various demographics and targeting features that you set up when creating your ads. Overall they are fairly cost effective as well, which is great for new ecommerce sites that don’t have a large marketing budget.

Image Credit(s): Hang w/

Video streaming is all the rage right now, and Hang w/ lets you live stream to your audience with ease. Stream from a mobile device, and when you go live your audience will be notified via push notification so you don’t have to worry about them missing out.

You’re going to make mistakes with your business, and that’s okay. That is one of the many reasons analytics tools are out there. These tracking tools will show you exactly what is working for your business, and what isn’t. Learn from your mistakes, keep doing what is working well, and you’ll be well on your way.

Image Credit(s): Albacross

Albacross – a B2B lead generation service, shows you what companies have been on your site, which pages they’ve been to, where they spent the most time, etc. Basically, it’s a user-friendly tool that gives you all of the necessary data on each unknown organization interested in your business including their size, revenue, industry, demographics, and the ways they can be contacted. As a result, Albacross service lets you get to know all your prospects, their interests, and business-related data, which in turn will help you to convert traffic into actual sales.

Image Credit(s): KISSmetrics

KISSmetrics is all about measuring your traffic and determining where your audience is coming from. With this information you are well equipped to target this audience in order to further expand and grow your business as a whole.

Business Management

There is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes into running a business, and while all of that is important, it can be very time consuming. Project management tools can help you stay on top of everything, because unfortunately, running a business isn’t solely comprised of creating a fantastic product and telling people about it. That alone would be difficult enough, but you also have to deal with accounting and finances, legal issues, taxes, shipping, and more. These tools should help make your life a little bit easier when it comes to these issues.

Image Credit(s): inDinero

Messing up your accounting and financing information is definitely not a mistake you want to be making, no matter how small your ecommerce business may be. Instead, it is worth paying for a tool, like inDinero, that will take care of that for you. With this tool, you have people (who know what they’re doing) taking care of your finances, transactions, and even your tax filings.

Image Credit(s): Signifyd

No one wants to think about fraud protection, but you need to when it comes to your ecommerce business. With a tool like Signifyd, you don’t have to worry about paying a chargeback, and they offer a 100% fraud protection guarantee.

Customer Service

This final set of tools is all about what should always be your number 1 focus: your customers. Without customers, you don’t have a business. Keeping customers happy, and hopefully retaining them, is vital to the success of your business.

Image Credit(s): Sweet Tooth

If you wish to offer full-fledged a rewards program, consider using Sweet Tooth. With this tool you can set up your own rewards program quickly and easily. Customize the program however you like, and Sweet Tooth will do all the work to keep things maintained. Offer rewards based on purchases, social shares, referrals, and more.

Wrapping Up

There you have it. 40 must have digital marketing tools. What do you think? Are there any we missed or do you have any experience with one of them?

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