Trying to figure out how to use Instagram Story Polls in your content strategy? Instagram Story Polls have become an essential tool for content creators, businesses & marketers alike.
Social media is by far one of the most useful instruments of the century. Slowly, it’s becoming more than just entertainment. Nowadays, most businesses have social media pages representing their brand and products while offering a space for advertising.
One of the most widespread media outlets is Instagram. Over the years, it has developed many and advertising tools to help influencers and agencies connect to their customers.
An underrated feature of the app is the Instagram Story Polls, which help users learn more about their favorite brands and vice versa. These interactive Instagram Story widgets can be used in a variety of ways by the owner of the page. Then, the viewers can either click or slide their answer.
In this article, you’ll learn about five creative ways to use Instagram Polls to increase your website traffic.
1. Use Your Followers For Inspiration
In order to boost your brand, you might want to ask your customers to suggest ideas. This way, you can tailor your products and services to your clients’ demands.
Social media surveying is an exceptional tool. Specifically, one way to use Instagram Polls is to create a quick and straightforward way to find out what customers might like. For instance, you can ask your viewers to pick between a cold-toned eyeshadow pallette or a warm-toned one. Alternatively, you can ask them to choose between two new ice cream flavors.
After you examine the results, you can release the product and link the online shop a couple of Instagram Stories later.
Instagram Polls are much more aesthetic and practical than other feedback tools. It’s easy to set up, and your followers can tap on their answers in less than a second while being on social media.
As a result, you might have more client engagement and feedback, which is extremely useful.
You can also link your Instagram Stories to some more in-depth surveys on your website. Incentivize your customers with a discount offer for participating.
2. Engage Your Audience By Showing That You’re Human
Now more than ever, people like to relate to the brands they use. Customers seem to put more effort into picking the ethical brands that engage with them and show their human side.
So, show that your crew is close to their audience and is informed about the world’s events.
For example, Refinery29, an entertainment business, decided to inform their followers about a significant New York strike regarding climate change. They set up Instagram Stories and Polls to ask people if they participated or are familiar with the topic.
This way, they attracted even more followers and connected with those who were already following their account.
You can try doing this by setting up polls about the elections, protests, and other social and political events.
You’ll be able to show your clients that you care about the world and that real people run your brand.
3. Entertain Your Audience
You can use Instagram Polls to entertain your followers and increase engagement.
For example, you can ask your consumers to pick between favorite colors, clothing items, and food even if your business isn’t oriented in that market.
The advantage of Instagram Polls is that you can open a dialog about any topic you think might appeal to your followers.
So, even if you’re a catering business, you can add a couple of inquiries about wedding gowns, flower arrangements, and venues. This way, you entertain your customers while learning about the trends and clients’ tastes.
You can also add trivia questions, which work to educate your customers while leveraging holidays and celebrations. Presume it’s the 4th of July. In this case, you can post a couple of questions about the Declaration of Independence and other related facts.
You can add a slide poll with funny questions with emojis such as “How much does college drive you crazy?” Start a discussion on relatable thoughts and feelings.
Lastly, you can set up a trivia about your own brand, which helps promote it.
4. Combine Different Instagram Tools
You can maximize your follower engagement by using a multitude of Instagram marketing tools.
So, for instance, you can put up a poll with “Which outfit do you like best?” or “How much do you like this shirt?” and pair it with a “Swipe up” link that redirects your followers to your online website.
This digital form of window shopping is handy. If your customer falls in love with an item you presented, they have the link close by to purchase the product in less than five minutes.
It’s a great marketing strategy because you don’t waste time advertising and relying on your clients to look for your website. You give them all the tools, and they just need to make up their minds about the desired product.
Another great example is that of a management firm or a traveling agency. You first ask your Instagram followers if they need a specific service and provide a “Swipe up” link to go along with their needs.
5. Use Polls For Feedback
We previously talked about getting inspiration from your followers before you launch a new product. Now you can ask your customers about the products you’ve released.
You can ask them about whether they like the product or if it’s missing something.
Assume your brand is a big digital media agency or a famous marketing company. You just added a new feature to the site. To promote your brand and ask about the latest web tool, you can make an Instagram Poll. Additionally, you can pair it with a “Swipe up” link and other inserts.
Always ask yourself, “What would I like to see as a customer?” to better customize your Stories and Polls.
To sum it up, you can use Instagram Polls in these five creative ways:
Author Bio
Nick van Migrot is a content creator for . He is a passionate writer who specializes in digital development, social media management, and marketing. On Sundays, Nick goes hiking with his dog Lucy.
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