5 Digital Marketing Ideas Small Business Owners Should Embrace | TheSelfEmployed.com

As a small business owner, marketing is an effective way to push sales. Click here to learn digital marketing ideas you should embrace this year.

Why are most digital marketing ideas so lame and ineffective? It is because they are tired and worn out. The suggestions you read online are written and re-written by the same writers who have never had any online marketing experience. If you actually want to make an impact, then you should be trying these marketing ideas.

1. Creating Your Own App That Uses Push Notifications

Building your own app is not nearly as difficult as it used to be. Even a blogger can have an app that gives users a push notification every time a new post is published. Stop relying on people finding your website through search engines and let them find you through your very own app. Building, maintaining and promoting your app is also a good branding exercise, and it makes your website appear more popular than websites that don’t have an app.

2. The Use of GeoFencing Market Testing

? It is the limiting of ads to just one area, and where it is a good marketing tool on its own, it is even better for online research. You can test different ads, slogans, and even different prices in a variety of neighboring towns and then record the results. What you learn can be applied to your future digital marketing campaigns.

3. Do Some Guest Posting

If even a trickle of traffic comes from your guest posting through your backlink, then it will dramatically help your website. Guest posting (and adding followed links) is a strong and long-term promotional method that pays dividends over many years. For all you know, that tiny website you are posting to today could be a national institution in five years.

4. Hire Freelancers to Engage your Digital Marketing Ideas

Let’s say you want to have your website mentioned in forums or on comment sections, but you do not have the right accounts, or you do not have enough influence in forums to allow you to post links. Simply hire freelancers who “Do” have the influence you do not. Hire people who have accounts with influential websites and forums. Plus, something as simple as a social media “Like” seems less spammy if it is coming from another IP address, rather than using your 20 Facebook accounts to spam-“Like” your own stuff.

5. Join “Google My Business” and Bing

You can enter your business information into “Google My Business” and your website will be the first to pop up whenever anybody types in your business or website name verbatim into the search engine. Join Bing, have them add your website to their listings, and your website will be visible on many different online tools and on Yahoo too.

Try Something New

There are plenty of digital marketing ideas for you to try, and it is a shame that most webmasters only stick to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SMM (Social Media Marketing). Experiment a little. There is no need to invest a lot of money. Try a few new things and see what happens because the more you diversify your marketing, the stronger it is when it comes under pressure.

If you are looking for ways to make money online, or maybe ways to manipulate social media, then check out a few of the other posts on Theselfemployed.com.