5 Digital Marketing Ideas to Consider During the Coronavirus

As a business owner, you’re likely trying to find ways to survive this crisis. The good news is that this too shall eventually pass. In the meantime, what you don’t want to do is slack on your digital marketing efforts.

That would be a waste of all the time and resources that you’ve already invested into your business to gain traction in an already crowded online marketplace.

You could possibly lose ground to your competitors and put your business in a position to fail in the second half of 2020 when — by all indications — we will have moved past this unfortunate coronavirus outbreak.

5 Digital Marketing Ideas to Consider During the Coronavirus

Implementing new digital marketing ideas during this period in time will have a huge impact on your company’s growth rate after the economy improves.

1. Stay Connected With Your Customers on Social Media 

More people are on social media now while stuck at home, searching for updates and trying to stay connected in a suddenly isolated country.

People need support, understanding, education, resources. Social media can provide just that and can be extremely powerful if it’s done the right way.

2. Make Sure Your Business Can Be Found Online

This was a no brainer “pre-rona” and its even more of a no brainer now. Online search traffic has increased significantly over the past few weeks and will continue to climb as we #stayhome.

Everyone is glued to their computer and phone. We’re looking for news, entertainment, education and ways to pass the time. Now is an important time to be visible digitally because other forms of traditional marketing are not as relevant at the moment.

3. Be Prepared to Pivot 

This is an opportunity to show empathy and stay relevant at a time when your business may have been impacted by customers staying at home.

Restaurants are offering curbside pick up or free delivery. Healthcare and other service professionals that can’t physically see clients can offer online consultations.  Personal trainers and Yoga instructors can offer live classes.

Another great example that we’ve witnessed is businesses that originally make clothing and accessories have been able to pivot to producing face masks for those looking for protection.

4. Don’t Panic

You’ve likely heard all the gloom and doom predictions on the news and online about depressions and recessions. The truth is, the economy may be slow now but it isn’t stopping.

Money is still moving and consumers are still searching for people to do business with. Adjust your plan or create a new one.

5. Use this time educate yourself

This is a perfect time for self-improvement. Use your newfound spare time to take a step back and assess what both you and your business need right now.

Learn how to improve your marketing strategy (You’re doing that right now!) Study how to create more content or improve your website performance.  These are just a few actions will pay off down the road.

If you are interested in increasing your online presence and reaching a new audience, consider our business promotion services.

Hit us up at [email protected] for details

–Tony O. Lawson

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