One reason many business owners become confused when it comes to online marketing is, to them, there seems to be so many different methods and systems, that they do not know which to use and which to ignore. If the digital marketing experts at www.slinkydigital.com.au were advising you with regards to marketing your interior design business, they would advise you to stick to a few core methods that invariably bring results.
The reason for this is they see business owners who take a scattergun approach to their digital marketing and try to set up and operate 10 or more different marketing channels. The problem here is that instead of putting their resources, including time, effort, and money, into a few and focussing on making them successful, they spread everything too thin, and as such do not maximise their results.
So, here are 5 online marketing opportunities which you can include in a digital marketing campaign for your interior design business.
#1 Renew / Update Your Website
The first place to start is at home, or rather your home page. Assess your website and determine if it really has a positive impact on your business, is it neutral, or worse, is it causing problems. Remember, that your website will often be the destination for the traffic coming via each strand of your digital marketing, and if it does not help to convert visitors to prospects, or prospects to clients, then it is time you considered a new website design.
#2 Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
Even with an excellent website that does all it should, it will be of no use without traffic landing on it in the form of potential prospects. One key method is to generate that traffic from the search engines, and in particular, Google. This is massively aided by SEO, which helps Google to see your website as one that should be ranked higher for certain keyword searches related to your niche, and ideally, ranked more highly than your local competition.
#3 Social Media
Any business, including those in the interior design sector, that does not have a presence on at least one or two social media platforms, is seriously compromising the results their digital marketing can achieve. Having an asocial media page, along with the many followers who visit that page time and again, means you have a platform to build relationships with them, build your brand’s recognition, and highlight your services, including special promotions for your followers.
#4 Paid Advertising
If your interior design business has the resources to invest in paid advertising then it can be a shortcut to driving more traffic to your website, but with one big caveat…it must be done correctly. Creating your ads requires copywriting skills, an effective image must be used, the keywords must be researched, and the correct bid strategies need to be in place. This is why we recommend you speak to a digital marketing agency to help you, otherwise, your ads could fail.
#5 Email Marketing
Whilst it often gets criticised, email marketing remains one of the most effective digital marketing tools available to business owners. As with paid advertising, there is the right way, and a wrong way to approach it. Get it right, and you can use email marketing to build relationships, run promotions, inform your readers, and keep your interior design business in their minds so that even if they do not become a client themselves, they may suggest or recommend you to others.
The post 5 Digital Marketing Strategies That Will Benefit Your Interior Design Business first appeared on The Amateurs Digest.
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