5 expert digital marketing tips – RealClicks

1. Know your customer personas and tailor your value proposition to each of them

Think CMO Maggie. CFO Colin. College Student Candice.

Do you know who your business’s customer personas are? These are the people who buy your product or service.

Customer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers. They are based on data and research. They will assist you to ensure your time is laser focused on developing a strategy and its required content.

Once you know who they are, focus on your top 2-3 personas. You can’t be everything to everybody, so don’t try to be.

2. Invest in a digital strategy first and foremost

Strategy comes first. Always. Without a strategy you are directionless and won’t have a clear pathway to achieving your goals or tracking your success.

The tools and the most suitable people to execute it will come second, shaped by the strategy itself.

The actual execution of the strategy may come in the form of an in-house part-time junior marketer, a marketing agency, a family member or friend with perhaps some marketing experience, or even a combination of these options. But in any case, this person or these people should not be hired until the strategy is done. There are no such things as marketing unicorns, no matter how hard you look. So by ensuring your digital strategy is done first, you can hire based on the skill sets required to execute it cost effectively and with accountability.

3. Budget for content

Content and storytelling forms the backbone of all digital marketing strategies and will be a key factor in building your community. A good digital marketing strategy will use key content pillars as the core of the digital strategy. Ultimately, the digital strategy can only be as good as the content used in executing it.

Plan a good rotation of content types too – this can be in the form of static imagery, video, audio or written long form content – choose types that are most relevant to your brand and product.

4. Thrive on testing and data

By propelling your startup into the market via digital marketing channels & tactics recommended in your strategy, you will need to experiment to find what works and what doesn’t work.

Once marketing activity kicks off, it is critical to be testing, reporting and drawing insights regularly. We always recommend using a digital marketing master data reporting file, which will act as your one source of truth for performance. This will be fed into my data from your campaign channels, as well as app store and google analytics data.

5. Product marketing and digital marketing need to work together and not in separate silos

When launching a new product, digital marketers will need to work in synergy with the product team to ensure marketing conversion points (be it a sign up or an app download) and user experience are optimised.

Marketing will always act to drive relevant users towards your product, but ensuring they have a seamless & simple sign up or purchase experience is just as important.

by Stephanie King & Ali King
source: bit.com.au

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