5 Local SEO Trends That Are Redefining Digital Marketing

Marketing teams continuously implement new SEO strategies in order to drive more conversions. The most successful teams have narrowed their focuses to local SEO. In doing so, they have increased their web traffic and foot traffic simultaneously. As a marketing professional, you need to use local SEO strategies if you want to boost both your online and in-store profits. In this post, you will learn the local SEO trends that are redefining digital marketing so that you can achieve your goals.

Hyperlocal Content

Firstly, hyperlocal content generation is a must in the world of local SEO. This trend entails taking localization a step further. While creating content that revolves around your specific town can drive conversions, you can drive even more by getting more specific. Incoporate nearby neighborhoods into your content as well. Touch on the different shopping centers in your area and mention other businesses throughout the town. Many marketing teams even write about specific streets and freeways when generating hyperlocal content. If you create even more location-specific content, you will increase your rankings on Google. Thus, following this local SEO trend is crucial to success.

Voice Search Optimization

Another great local SEO trend worth keeping track of is voice search optimization. As more consumers start to use technologies like Siri and Alexa to search for products verbally, voice search optimization becomes more important. After all, consumers request information verbally in a different way than they type it into their smartphones. Typically, consumers request search results in question-form. Therefore, including questions in your content could be helpful in boosting your SEO for voice search. Keep this local SEO trend in mind to boost your ROI.

Online Brand Mentions

Additionally, many marketing teams are now focusing on online brand mentions. The reason behind this is that Google now recognizes brand mentions on the internet. The popular search engine uses each brand’s amount of mentions in its algorithm. If you search for the “best SEO company in Detroit” and analyze the top results, many of these companies would have many other online mentions. With that being said, you can increase your rankings if you boost your online brand mentions. One of the best ways to gain new mentions online is to engage with consumers on social media, blogs and any other interactive platforms. In doing so, you encourage other consumers to comment on your Instagram posts, share your blog articles on Twitter and engage with you via comments. Take advantage of this local SEO trend to beat out your competition.

Linked Unstructured Citations

Marketing teams that use linked unstructured citations are also thriving in the digital market. While structured citations may have increased companies’ profits in the past, unstructured ones are boosting brands’ conversions today. In order to improve your local SEO strategies, use linked unstructured citations. These citations consist of links related to your business such as directories and social profiles like Instagram posts. For example, if your company is mentioned on news or blog platforms, you can promote these pages. Hence, an unstructured approach will vary for each type of business depending on their other online profiles. Follow this local SEO trend that is redefining digital marketing to succeed.

Artificial Intelligence

Finally, stay up-to-date on how artificial intelligence is affecting the marketing world. Artificial intelligence (AI) is yet another factor that marketing teams need to consider for local search engine optimization. Search engines’ neural algorithms rely on artificial intelligence. After all, the technology has the ability to learn about consumers based on their interactions online. Because of this, marketing teams need to ensure that their content is not only free of grammar errors. It also needs to be accurate and highly relevant to local areas. If you want to boost your ROI, follow this local SEO trend.

While marketing teams frequently implement new search engine optimization methods to increase their profits, many fall short in the local SEO department. In order to ensure that you do not, you need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. For instance, you need to produce hyperlocal content by targeting specific organizations and places within your town. Optimize for voice searches by using language that consumers who search verbally use. Increase your online brand mentions by engaging with consumers. Unlike the past, linked unstructured citations are highly advantageous. Lastly, artificial intelligence plays a major role in search engines’ algorithms. If you want to achieve your goals, follow these local SEO trends that are redefining digital marketing.