Do you take your own pictures and videos for your business?
Phone technology has come a long way in the past few years and so have the cameras on them. This is great news for small business owners because it means that you no longer have to worry about purchasing the latest DSLR camera available. You can just use your phone to create content for your business. That being said, it can still take practice to take the best photos and videos with your phone. Here are some tips to help you take the best pictures and videos with your phone:
1. Device
The device you take your pictures/videos makes a huge difference so find the device with the best camera you can use. Generally, the newest phone will deliver better images, especially if the phone has more than one camera. Apple has spent a lot of time optimizing their phone cameras so IPhones are generally a great option. You also want to make sure you have enough storage. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a shoot and finding out you ran out of storage.
2. Background
The background on your pictures and videos is so important! Although it is usually not the focus it can quickly overshadow the focus if done incorrectly. Find a background that suits the type of images you are taking. Generally, avoid a busy background as it will take away from the subject. If you are taking pictures or videos of people, be mindful of other people in the background.
3. Light
Better lighting means your images/videos will look their best. In general, phones do not have the best cameras to capture content in the dark so find the best light. The light should be shining on the subject so avoid backlighting. Natural light is generally the best option but if it isn’t possible, make sure the light shining is in front of the subject not behind. If planning a photoshoot/video shoot think about the “golden hours” which happen when the sun is coming out and when it’s setting. These are the time when you will get that gorgeous golden glow.
4. Frame
Think about the framing of your content. Generally, you don’t want to shoot content too tight or too far away. Make sure your device is straight so the images don’t end up tilted. It can be helpful to look at the horizon line if you are outside and line up the top or bottom of your camera view with it. If you are inside, you can find a line that you know is straight and line up with that. Additionally, you can use the grid feature to help you keep your image/video straight.
5. Orientation
Orientation is important when you are creating content because you want your content to fit the platform you upload it to. So, always think about what you will be using the content for. For example, if you are going to use it as a banner, or a YouTube video, you would want horizontal content. If you are going to use it on Instagram or TikTok, you would want vertical content. If you are not sure, don’t guess. Look up the orientation of the platform you want to upload it to.
I hope those tips are helpful on your content creation journey. Just remember to think about the Device, Background, Light, Frame, and Orientation. Follow our social media channels for more helpful tips!
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