6 Digital Marketing Blogs You Should Be Reading

Digital marketing moves fast!  To keep up, you should subscribe to several top digital marketing and social media blogs.  We’ve assembled a list of some of the best blogs out there – all thought-provoking, innovative, well maintained and updated regularly. Reading these blogs and others routinely will keep you in the know.

The Moz Blog

The (famous) Moz Blog is passionate about Search Engine Optimization. Moz provides a great service – helping to make transparent one of the most opaque and least understood ingredients of great marketing, SEO. The industry’s top wizards and other experts offer up tools, research, advice, how-to’s and insights – all to help you step up your online marketing game and SEO skills. Moz also gives Social Media advice from the unique perspective of SEO.

Socially Sorted

Socially Sorted, an award-winning gem of a blog, is the creation of Donna Moritz, the Australian content strategist who writes about social media and how to become a better storyteller.  Socially Sorted has been named one of the top 10 social media blogs 10 years in a row by Social Media Examiner.  Most of the articles are written by Donna, herself, typically once a week, with occasional contributors bringing their own knowledge.  While her focus is on visual storytelling (Instagram, Pinterest), any social media marketer will benefit, as her blog is full of practical tips any business can use.

Hubspot is known for being a great generator of ideas, helping marketers keep their communications fresh. It is one of the biggest and most popular blogs with a focus on inbound marketing and an “everything but the kitchen sink” approach to its content.  This makes it a great destination, a “hub” that connects to other blogs for advice on all your digital marketing needs from email to social media to SEO, industry news, trends and more. There is a good reason that Hubspot has millions of visitors each year.

Quicksprout is a marketing blog, originally started in 2008 by Neil Patel, the world’s leading online marketer and brilliant entrepreneur. The focus is on traffic generation and it doesn’t disappoint.  Quicksprout contains guides, tips, hacks and systems for growing your business and your marketing career.  Articles cover topics such as how to get more likes and followers on Instagram, tips for creating sign-up forms that convert, and a must-read, The Beginners’ Guide to Online Marketing. Neil is currently running the eponymous NeilPatel.com where you can find a massive, easily searchable archive, another treasure trove.

Convince and Convert

Convince and Convert is a very popular content marketing blog that also hosts some of the best content on social media marketing. It was named by Hubspot as one of the 29 best social media blogs.  With a focus on value, Jay Baer, its founder (and the world’s most re-tweeted person by digital marketers), provides actionable information about how to extend reach and increase conversions. This blog skews more toward experienced readers who will benefit most from its sophisticated content that includes case studies in addition to useful tips and tools, and how to guides.

Social Media Examiner

Social Media Examiner is one of the best-known and widely read social media blogs in the world. A collection of social media experts and specialists contribute on a regular basis providing tons of free advice for marketers across industries. Look for step-by-step instructions for beginners on how to leverage your marketing using the whole range of social media platforms.  Experienced marketers can count on increasing their knowledge base and keeping up to date with new strategies.

To be a great digital marketer, one needs to be a life long learner – knowledge is key.  You can count on evolving, growing and staying current by reading blog articles by some of the best digital and social media experts in the industry.  Check out 24 Seven’s Digital Marketing Resource for advice on how to grow your digital marketing career.