6 digital marketing podcasts that can help your business reach more customers – North Bay Business Journal

The one thing that is consistent when it comes to digital marketing is that the platforms are always changing. As soon as you start getting the hang of using Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Google or Instagram to promote your business, they tweak something — sometimes for the better, sometimes, well…not so much — and marketers have to learn how to use the updated version all over again.

So, if you are a digital marketer in the Bay Area, you’re also a student, learning about new tools and re-learning old tools, like Google Analytics and Facebook Ads, when they change. It is an ongoing effort.

But, it’s just part of the job.

I talked to some of my social media and digital marketing friends here in the North Bay and created a list of favorite resources for getting new information.

Right now, podcasts seem to be the medium from which everyone — at least, who I talked to — gets their information. While podcasts have been around for a while, they have recently seen a resurgence in listeners, and now there are podcasts out there for any niche. You can listen online, through Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, and sometimes the video of the podcast conversation can be found on YouTube.

Some of my personal favorite podcasts are marketing-focused, and I found a lot of my marketing friends feel the same way.

Social Media Marketing With Michael Stelzner

This is a weekly 45-minute podcast, in which Michael, the founder of Social Media Examiner — an amazing blog, which also hosts the largest social media conference every year — interviews leading social media marketers to discover how successful businesses employ social media and learn new strategies to improve social media marketing. socialmediaexaminer.com/shows/

Episodes to check out:

No. 384: “Writing Facebook Ad Copy That Converts”

No. 317: “How to Build Better Stories with Collaboration and Improv”

Hit the Bottle

A new wine-focused public relations, data and marketing podcast from industry veterans with decades’ worth of experience in the beverage business.

Episodes to check out:

No. 9: “Brand Building”

No. 4: “Digital Marketing Basics” (Note: I am a guest on this one!)

Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

This weekly 45-minute to 1-hour marketing podcast is dedicated to interviews with digital marketers and small business owners, giving actionable steps anyone can take right away. Great for beginner, intermediate, and advanced marketers. amyporterfield.com/amy-porterfield-podcast

Episodes to check out:

No. 222: “How to Create Your ‘Total Immersion Weekend Retreat’ to Clean up Your Messy Business”

No. 253: “How to Grow Your Local Business with Online Marketing Strategies”

The Science of Social Media

The shortest podcast of all of the recommendations, this weekly podcast by the post-management software platform Buffer is a 15-minute look at social media stories, insights, experimentation, and learning. Many of the podcasts are simple lists of the top trends in digital marketing, which makes them super easy to listen to and find inspiration from. To top it off, each podcast has a blog post with even more tips and links mentioned in the podcast (reusing content FTW).

Episodes to check out:

“Why Micro-Influencers May Be the Most Effective Influencer Marketing Strategy”

“How to Use Video Content to Raise Brand Awareness and Sell Your Product”

Social Pros

This weekly 1-hour interview format podcast is one of the most popular and longest-running marketing podcasts in the world. It showcases real insight on the real people doing the everyday work in social media, versus a chief marketing officer who may not be in the know of what the team is actually doing. convinceandconvert.com/podcasts/shows/social-pros-podcast

Episodes to check out:

“How to Turn Customer Complaints into Winning Social Media Content”

“Why Your People Are the Secret to B2B Social Media Wins”

Actionable Marketing

A podcast from the creators of CoSchedule, an online software that organizes digital marketing efforts, with weekly interviews, strategies, and advice for the marketing pros.

Episodes to check out:

No. 84: How To Power A Successful Blog Through Storytelling” with Jeff Bullas

Let me know if you have another podcast (or another resource) for digital marketing info! I am always looking for a new pod to subscribe to!

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