So, it’s a new year! The holidays are over, and it’s time to put your marketing hat back on and look at your strategy for 2021. It can be tricky getting back into work mode after Christmas, particularly in the face of another lock-down, so we thought we’d help by sharing a few New Year digital marketing ideas with you to get those creative juices flowing! In this article, we round up some simple suggestions you can use to kickstart your digital marketing this year. As it seems like COVID-19 could be with us for some months to come, it also pays to be mindful of this in your marketing activities. As with 2020, empathy and caution are key elements to factor into your approach to marketing this year.
6 New Year digital marketing ideas
January can be a quiet month for businesses, so there’s really no better time to work on your marketing plan for the coming year. This will help you start the year on the right foot and organise your marketing so that you meet your goals. So, without further ado, let’s take a look our New Year digital marketing ideas:
1) Establish your goals
Regardless of the type of business you have or the sector you operate in, a new year is a great time to reflect and set personal as well as professional goals for the coming months. Be sure to set aside time in early January to establish what these look like and ensure your firm up your marketing plan for the year ahead.
2) Set some New Year’s resolutions for your business
Create some resolutions that are realistic and that you can stick to. Share them with the rest of your team, and perhaps even your social media followers, so you can’t back out of them! A resolution you might want to set is to post daily on social media or to create a weekly blog for your business. If you own a nursery, for example, you could consider introducing a blog for parents with activities they can do at home to help their child’s development.
3) Assess what marketing activities worked for your business last year
The start of a new year means you’ll have all of the previous year’s data to look at. Take some time to analyse this to establish which areas of your marketing had the most success in the past year. For example, what were your top-performing web pages or pieces of content? What posts resonated most with your social media followers? What marketing campaigns saw the best results? And so on… This information will help you plan your content for the coming year.
4) Get up to date on current social media trends
At the start of a new year, you’ll find a host of posts and articles predicting marketing trends for the year ahead. Read up on these to ensure your business is informed and don’t forget to take note of ideas that you might want to try out yourself!
5) Create some holiday round-up posts
People tend to be busy during the Christmas holidays and they may well switch off to any marketing material they receive from you during this time. Take this opportunity to tell customers what your business has been doing in the last month or so and what your direction of travel is for the year ahead! This is also a good chance to promote any start-of-year special offers or promotions you might be running.
6) Update your Google My Business profile
If you want your business to show up in local searches, an accurate and optimised Google Business profile is a good place to start. Make sure your profile is an up-to-date reflection of your business, populate all the sections, check your contact details, add some images or a video to showcase your products or services, and respond to any reviews you have!
We hope that these New Year digital marketing ideas give you some inspiration, for more help on your social media strategy for 2021 and beyond contact the NS Design team!
The post 6 New Year digital marketing ideas appeared first on NSDesign.
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