6 Reasons to Choose Customize Web Design Over Site Builder & Template Based Design
Maulik Virparia February 20, 2015 Web Design Tips 17 Comments
Yesterday I was interacting with a cab service provider based in London regarding web site design. When I asked him about his business website, he replied me, I don’t need any website, I have it already. But he maintained silent when I asked him about its ROI. He told me I hardly get an inquiry from my website however I receive 10X times much inquiry calls on my phone. He asked me a question why he should renew the yearly subscription (approx. $100) of online site builder tool? Sorry I can’t disclose the name of site builder tool. But there are so much small and medium business owners spend hundreds of bucks in web design through site builder tool.
After this interaction, I have decided to write this article. Through this article I would like to favor customize website design over all such tools and templates for small & medium business owners, young entrepreneurs. Here I have listed six reasons which prevent you to spend money in such none or less ROI stuff.
While I was clustering facts for this article, I have concluded few interesting points. Here are few of them.
Now, I am going to put six possible reasons for recommending customize website design in SEO, brand management and ROI point of view.
1: Your site will get an elegant outlook because when all graphics including banner, logo, and icons are designed by indigenous designers. It directly affects conversion. You will get more inquires or orders.
2: Expert content writing specialist generates magical content for your site. This content is a big factor of building trust. He articulates your services, products and your ethics in such a manner that readers love.
3: You have to pay only once. It’s a big advantage of customize web design. After delivering the project web design agency can’t charge for a single buck until you modify website. You can easily find number of agencies who will make minor changes in your site absolutely free.
4: There are many important SEO points leave drop back when you choose site builder or readymade templates. However many site builders promise for SEO friendly site but they only cover meta tags, heading (H1,H2,H3) and alt tags. What about schema, pagination, canonical and internal linking structures.
5: Site speed is one of the most common issues when you go with site builder or template option. Many sites (designed by such tools & templates) I have visited in last 24 hours take much time to load. It’s a big hazel for bounce rate peak. It is reported mainly when you have large number of web pages (60+).
6: Last & most important reason is that, designer can explain you which one is important and which is worthless. Non-techy entrepreneurs and business owners are unable to decide which information require in my website. I have seen many sites (built by using such tools & templates) selling product online however business is B2B.
Before a half-decade it was difficult to deal with located outside of the country but never today!!!
Infinite growth opportunities in European countries changed the Outsourcing IT business from the root. Today almost all outsourcing companies have offices in UK, USA, Australia and Canada however their development units are located in India, Philippines or anywhere else. Chances are very less of cheating or disappointing in service.
Either you can visit their offices personally or call them for meeting at your convenience place & time. You just need to write two lines in their websites or call directly.
Now I am going to finish with a humble request of dropping your feedback. Have a nice weekend!!!
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