7 Content Forms to Include in Your Digital Marketing Strategy for 2020 – bython

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One of the most effective ways to increase awareness of your B2B brand is by using digital marketing.

Not just email or social media marketing, but a full digital marketing plan that involves several elements and techniques that will help your brand stand out on social and online.

We are going to discuss seven content forms to include in your digital marketing strategy in 2020.

Mobile Friendly

It’s no news that a lot of people now access the internet and check their emails through their mobile devices because, that it is handy and less burdensome. And coupled with the increase in the use of smartphones by American adults, which skyrocketed from 35% in 2011 up to 77% in 2018, according to Pew Research, one can’t stress enough the importance of creating a mobile friendly content for your email marketing campaign.

Add Charisma to Your Content

Believe it or not, readers can easily denote a content writer’s personality just from the way the write. Put differently. if you don’t want your readers to perceive your content as being shady, be clear and outspoken when it comes to stating your call-to-action. That is, avoid hiding your call-to-action under the whims of any given phrase. Make it bold and clear!

Make Conversational Contents

With the widespread of blog post everywhere on the internet, a major percentage of people have now gotten used to the conversational tone of writing. So, while creating your content, avoid being too over serious and formal. Spice up things a bit with a little comic, and gifs, here and there. However, this is only subject to when you know your audience because, you don’t want to send a gif to a board of directors in a company or an institution of professors, alongside other learned audiences, as that would certainly send the wrong impression over to those set of audience.

Simplicity in Registrations

If you’ve been in the digital marketing for quite some time now, you’d agree with me that most people have little to no patience, when it comes to signing up for a newsletter. In other words, make sure you provide a simple interface for newsletter subscription in your content, to avoid wasting people’s time, and invariably losing potential clients.

Avoid the Spam Flag

These days, people tag a mail as spam as soon as it pops out in form of an advert. So, to avoid this, ensure that you build a list based on your audience’s areas of interest, in order not to send the right content to the wrong audience who will mark your content as spam.

Capitalize on your Visual Prowess

Other than the headlines, the next thing readers notice as soon as they open an email content is the image, if there is any. And trust me, the quality and appearance any embedded image in your content, will instantly influence the impression you’ll make on your readers. From a recent studies conducted in the United States, Americans prefer image filled mails to written ones. So, if you’re planning an event, use that opportunity to display how beautiful and exciting the event will be. Readers love these a lot.

Understand Your Target Audience

It is as simple as it gets. If you don’t know your audience, there is every chance that you’ll most likely write the wrong content. Not wrong in the sense of grammar or lexical structures, but because whatever you are saying won’t be receptive. Imagine sending gambling content to a manufacturing engineer? Knowing who your audience is and creating content that will focus only on their interest will go a long way in brand awareness and recognition.

In a nutshell, if you want to add some additional forms to your content digital marketing strategy come 2020, above are 7 salient modifications, you can tweak into your digital marketing strategy.

Looking to boost your digital marketing in 2020? Bython Media can help. Contact us today to develop a digital marketing strategy that works for you.