Sometimes, new clients come to us looking for information on the hottest trends in web design, or search engine optimization hacks and secrets that will make them invincible on Google overnight. We do pay attention to the latest notes and ideas in digital marketing, of course, but we generally avoid building our reputation on gimmicks and quick fixes.
Helping businesses to double and triple in size is all about following philosophies rather than short-term tactics. We want our clients to be smarter than their competitors and look farther down the road than other business owners and marketing executives.
With that in mind, today we want to share seven of the best pieces of advice we’ve ever heard about promoting a business over the internet. We follow all of them, and hope you will too…
#1 “Look for Investments Instead of Expenses”
Often, business owners and executives get focused on the “sticker price” of certain projects or services. That’s understandable, especially at a time when we all need to be keeping a close eye on the bottom line. However, every expense is a waste if it doesn’t generate ROI. Conversely, smart investments that help you gain customers that can pay for themselves quickly.
#2 “Know Your Customers Better Than the Competition”
It’s usually assumed that the company that has the best products or lowest prices will always get the business, but that’s objectively false. Sometimes, having superior service, a more convenient location, or just friendlier marketing (as examples) will get the job done. The better you know your customers, the easier it is to give them what they really want.
#3 “Try Different Ideas and Formats Regularly”
You simply can’t get too attached to one way of doing things in the internet age. Conditions change too fast. For example, search engine algorithms are always shifting, and there was a time when Google wasn’t even that important. There might even be a time in the future where it is suddenly eclipsed by another platform. Keep experimenting with new ideas and you’ll stay ahead of the curve when your competitors are falling behind.
#4 “Make Decisions Based on Data”
As your campaigns are launched and become active, you need to pay close attention to the numbers that come out. They’ll tell you where to spend more time and money, which ads or channels to cut off, and how your future opportunities are going to pan out. By making marketing decisions based on data, instead of your gut, you almost guarantee you’ll be profitable in the future.
#5 “Creative Beats Expensive”
In the old world of advertising and PR, big budgets meant everything. Having deep pockets and big resources can obviously still give you a huge advantage, but creativity (especially in your messaging) is even more important these days. Don’t be discouraged if you have to start small. Just think outside the box, or let your web design team do it for you, and you’ll catch up to the bigger fish faster than you think.
#6 “It’s a Marathon, Not a Sprint”
We can write entire books just on this point. But since we are all busy, we will just remind you that even in the digital age it can take time for campaigns to develop and show tangible results. Don’t expect to generate tons of leads from your first ad, blog post, or other efforts. It might take a while for things to materialize, but it’s worth the wait.
#7 “Don’t Forget to Have Fun”
It’s easy to treat online marketing as a collection of tactics and statistics. In our firm, though, we always try to enjoy ourselves. Not only does that come through in the quality of our work, but it also gives us the mental strength to stay energized from one campaign to the next. You should make sure you’re having fun while looking for new clients or customers over the internet.
Ready to Put These Ideas to Work?
It’s one thing to read good digital marketing advice, and another thing altogether to put it to good use. If you’re ready to break out of the pack and really separate your business from the competition, contact Weblinx today to schedule a free consultation. In just one hour we might be able to permanently transform the course of your bottom-line forever.
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