We all have seen that videos are winning the hearts of people. Organizations are using appealing and educational videos in a variety of ways to improve marketing strategy and hit business targets. As per the statistics, the organizations using videos have experienced an 80% enhancement in their internet traffic.
There are no two opinions that videos are both easy to access and taking over the news feed. There are around 6 out of 10 people who prefer watching videos instead of television. Due to their high demand, organizations are creating different types of videos, such as , whiteboard videos, product videos, etc.
Now, you might be thinking about why people are making the best use of videos. Well! Need not fret! There are various reasons that inspire people to make fantastic videos and add them to their marketing strategy. By taking a rundown in this article, you get a clear idea of why people are utilizing videos to stand out from the crowd.
Reasons why you should utilize video in your Marketing Strategy
Let’s get started…
Videos increase Engagement
One of the major reasons why marketers prefer using visual content is because it has the power to increase user engagement. Higher the website traffic, the better the business productivity. 76% of the marketers say that by adding videos in their marketing strategy, they are able to increase their traffic and reach the business goals.
Excellent videos not only increase the website traffic but also retain visitors for longer. With the help of video content, audiences are 10 times more likely to engage and share the content. So, if you want to escalate the number of viewers on your website and look forward to retaining them for longer, then try creating short and informative videos as it will add a fun element to your boring text.
Source: animatedvideo
Boost Conversions and Sales
We all wish to do more and more conversions because the more the conversions, the better the revenue. If, I am not wrong,you might also wish the same. If yes, then start leveraging the power of videos. Videos are undoubtedly one of the best ways to improve your conversion rate.
There are around 90% of the customers who believe that by watching attractive and educational videos, it becomes really easy to make the right purchasing decision. Well! Creating the best videos is not a cakewalk; one needs to consider various factors. Also, there are various video editing companies that allow you to produce excellent videos without breaking the banks.
So, start to boost your marketing strategy and increase your sales by making the best use of videos.
Built Trust
Trust is another vital factor that helps marketers in improving conversions and sales. Indeed! Trust is the foundation of every business. If you have the right strategy, you can easily attract visitors and build strong customer relationships. Well! That’s where videos come into play.
With the help of an effective video marketing approach, you can easily generate an emotional bond that further demonstrates how your products/services can help them hit their goals. Videos are a reputable source that gives power to your marketing strategy and allows you to generate trustworthy relations with your customers.
More appealing to mobile users
Nowadays, the consumption of media is commonly done on personalized devices instead of laptops or television. Remember, the more the conversion, the greater the ROI. Approximately 94% of the users always keep their mobile devices in hands even while watching TV.
Videos and mobile phones go together. By publishing mobile-friendly videos, you can easily attract more visitors and inspire them to make a purchase. So, if you want to showcase your products and services to grab the attention of the target audience, then prefer crafting videos as it is more appealing to mobile users.
Better Ranking on Google
Improvement in google ranking is another reason for using videos in digital marketing. If your website is attractive and successful, it becomes easy to increase the number of sales. Remember, the better the ranking, the more the revenue. Videos have the power to increase your ranking.
According to the analysis, the websites that include videos are 53 times more likely to show on the first page of Google. Well! It shows that Google favors a website that has effective videos.
Thus, if you want to increase the website traffic and look forward to making your dream into reality, then start producing video content. It not only allows you to showcase your thoughts into reality but also improves your brand awareness.
Explains Everything
Easy explanation of products/services in a short time is another benefit that inspires people to create videos. Explaining complex products in an easy and engaging way is not a cakewalk. But with the help of videos, you can easily express your thoughts and share a lot of information in a precise and entertaining way.
Approximately 98% of the users get a clear understanding of the products/services after watching explainer videos. Indeed, video content is not only easy to digest, but also one of the easiest ways to streamline complex concepts on a daily basis. So, start advertising your brand and improving business sales by making the best use of videos.
Video is more shareable
Last but not the least benefit of using videos in digital marketing is that it promotes social shares. Remember, the more the number of shares, the higher the brand awareness and more the conversions. According to the statistics, people share videos 200% more as compared to the long text and image.
Due to its tremendous benefits, Facebook has launched 3600 videos. Even Instagram has extended its video length to 60 sec. So, if you want to give exposure to your brand and be in the top searches of Google, then start consuming videos because 76% of the users share entertaining and educational videos with their friends and relatives.
In a Crux
Videos are one of the best and effective marketing strategies that allow you to make strong customer relations and generate greater revenue. Hopefully, the above-mentioned points will definitely help you understand why the organizations are using videos in their marketing strategy.
Still, if you have any second thoughts or want to add something to the above list, don’t hesitate to share it in the comment section below.
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