7 tips to start a career in Digital Marketing

7 tips to start a career in digital marketing

“Digital marketing is the marketing of product or service using digital technologies, mainly on the Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital medium”. This is the definition that you would get when you search for the term “Digital marketing” in google. Let’s give out a simpler explanation by saying, “the form of marketing, using the internet and technologies like phones, computer etc”. 

Digital marketing is currently the hot topic, this statement is truly applicable because of the increase in the number of people using the internet. Traditional marketing is the topic of yesterday, as people are always looking for new and easier ways to grow without involving their blood, sweat and tears.

The need for digital marketers have increased tremendously over the last few years, Companies all around the globe are always gunning for digital marketers. Since it is an evolving field there should be a constant updating of one’s self and they should apply it in the work they do. Because of the demand in this field, let us look at some of the points or tips that needs to be followed to pursue a career in digital marketing.

  • Knowledge about the field.
  • Learn about the process digital marketing. 
  • Writing blogs.
  • Analytical skills. 
  • Creativity. 
  • Improve your outlook in social media.
  • Join a group or community.

Let us elaborate all these points and try to understand the process present in the field of digital marketing.


Before entering into any field it is always important to inspect it for all the advantages and the disadvantages that particular field has. Try to learn as much as possible about the field, its scope, career opportunities & future potential. More important is to understand if it is the right field for you. Like all the fields, digital marketing also requires the aspirants to have a few desired qualities like data interpretation, good communication skills, analytical skills etc. You should figure out if you have all these qualities needed to succeed in this fast growing field. Or if you seem to be lacking certain qualities, you must be confident enough to acquire these skills as you proceed with the learning. After considering all these factors, you can then confidently get into the field of digital marketing.

Learning the process

Learning the subject of digital marketing will enhance the skills that we already have. The basics like SEO, SMO, SMM and Google ads are important but only those are not enough to become digital marketer, even if we do we would always lag behind people who know more than us. There are a lot of other concepts in digital marketing like buyer persona, sales funnel, conversion optimization, growth hacking etc. These can only be learnt in good institutions like . Check out our curriculum to know for yourself.

Writing blogs

Blog writing is a great asset, it works tremendously in your resume. Blogging is very useful as it helps you with networking and building communities, this helps a great deal in your professional endeavour. Another important advantage in writing a blog is that it gives you an authority in the field that you are in, and it would give you a good chance of becoming an influencer. To write out blogs we read a lot of content which gives out the exposure that we need and it really helps with our creativity. Some of the blogs that we would recommend you to read for getting more exposure in digital marketing are , , etc.

Analytical skills

Wikipedia’s explanation of analytical thinking is, “it is the critical component of visual thinking that gives one the ability to solve problems quickly and effectively. It involves a methodical step-by-step approach to thinking that allows you to break down complex problems into single and manageable components”. Analytics is basically crunching data, there are a lot of activities which happen here and it requires a lot of thinking. The major work of the analytics expert is to collect data about the activities which are happening within the website and also outside of the website. There are analytical tools like , etc. These are some of the tools that an analytics expert should master in order to help the company you are working.  


Creativity is simple, it’s about being unique, different and innovative. The task of a creative in digital marketing is to reach out to audiences, create an impact, how to make a product influence the customer and the ways to build a following for the brand. It is necessary to know the creative elements that will help your website stand out from the rest. Like video marketing, illustrated content, infographics etc, these tools will be very useful in interacting with the customers. The execution of the creative should be top notch as tends to lay the foundation for how your website works well with the audience. Creativity along with analytical skills turn out to be deadly combination. 

Improve outlook on social media

is one of the important things that a digital marketer should be active at. Be it for the company we are working or on the level of personal branding. As a digital marketer it is always necessary to build contacts, and in order to do that social media is the perfect way. Even though there are apps like instagram, facebook etc, it doesn’t always ring a bell when we think business contacts. The right platform for us is LinkedIn, since it is a purely business oriented social platform which also helps in networking with business officials and influencers from our field. Some of the important things to do with a LinkedIn profile is to share unique blogs, update your personal accomplishments, follow industry leaders who give out necessary information and try to network with as many people possible who are in the same field as you.

Join a group or community

This is a process which is similar to social media involvement. There are a lot of groups and communities in social media platforms and many other websites. It is always good to get involved with communities like these as it will help you gain some network and also lets you to know about the new trends that are coming in and the ones which are continuously evolving. In these networks there are different sets of people from different fields and those people know about their respective fields and they tend to share it in these communities and groups, which adds on to be very valuable information.


So there we have it, some of the important tips to be followed if you are looking for a career in digital marketing. Our institution ticks all the above points, we teach all the requirements needed to become a skilled digital marketer and help the students in their career paths.