The world of web designing is dynamically changing with new tools, technologies and best practices for creating usable layouts. A lot of trends that were futuristic years ago have now become old-fashioned while certain trends such as scrolling and responsive web designs are still illuminating the centre stage. Moving ahead in 2016 the year is demonstrating new drive in web designing technology that is more fixated towards User Experience (UX) as well as customization.
Top 7 web design trends we foresee in 2016:
Longer Scrolls Is Popular
Recently, you will come across a lot of long scrolling web pages with RWD for mobile users. There are many websites based on this principle where you have to scroll on and to look for what you want. Web Designers are also using this style more and more to shape and fit all the content into a single form. Generally, the sites that have a lot of user-generated content make use of this trend because they are insightfulness in style and offers enhanced user experience. Moreover, it improves page loading speed, which is very important for websites.
Flat Design Is Highly Espoused
Flat designs are in the designing world for quite a long time now. This Design is adjusted to many other Web Design Trends like RWD and material design and actually, Flat Design includes minimalism. To elaborate, Flat Design is an appearance that reveals all the frills and fluff showcasing a precise layout with a distinctive page structure; that is mobile-friendly too. Some of the famous brands using this design are Google, Apple, and Microsoft.
Card Design Scales Up
In 2016, you will see the maximum numbers of brand adopting card design, in diverse forms, whether it is a versatile web portfolio, Mail chimp’s Social Cards or Google’s new visual Promotions tab highlight. All of these use cards to demonstrate notably in promoting email. Each card indicates one cohesive concept. Since they act as “content containers”, their rectangular four-sided shape gives a perfect look while re-arranged on varied device breakpoints.
Mobile Optimization & Responsive Web Design Is Must
With ever-increasing mobile usage on multiple screens, offering a seamless experience for the users, in spite of the device would be the priority. Responsive design is the foundation of modern web design and will continue to be so for the long term. If a website fails to clear Google’s mobile-friendly test, then it will surely lose its position on Google search engine, adversely affecting website traffic, lead generation and sales.
Very Big Typography Is In Fashion
In 2016, larger typography and headings will be used by the majority of websites. The big titles and typography are getting more prominent, giving out a lucid visual statement. Therefore, Large typography as a way to enrich the visual hierarchy of the page is going to be vital in 2016 by ensuring users read the big typos on landing page first, and that’s grabs the eyeballs about the brand.
Storytelling & Interaction Is Buzz
Interactive storytelling, when done ingeniously, can be more effective in converting users compared to any amount of SEO, also convincing call-to-actions or visual elements can do if not. When the storyline and the closing are laid out in a striking way, and the story is worth clutching onto, users are more often inclined and converted into customers.
UX Design Rules
Nowadays, even tech startups do not blindly develop a mobile or web app without the help of a User Experience (UX) designer; people currently are smart enough to understand the missing element of an unattractive end-product. First of all UX designers will follow the Agile or Lean UX Process according to the requirement of App and then strategize where apps will hit the launch pad. So, UX/UI Designer, Content Strategist, App Developer, Marketer, all of them are equally important to develop a successful app. In 2016, the App makers or UX designers will invest more in Usability testing and build usability tools. Big brands like Facebook & Google have already initiated creating usability tools, which you can make use of.
These are a few design trends that have set the world of design on fire. Make the most of it to design your website remarkably.
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