The words fun and lockdown don’t go hand in hand. The words
exciting and lockdown have nothing in common either. But there is a ray of
hope, as an informal survey suggests. People are finding hundreds of free ways
to create a more fun atmosphere at home (despite the gloomy weather), stay
engaged and really connect with others. Many used to complain that they don’t
have the time to do this or that. Well now, with an abundance of time during
lockdown, make it count and make it fun.
Here are some 9 ideas from the community to get you started
on the fun, today.
Top answer: Play board games
One answer after another pointed to board games as a fun
activity to do during the lockdown. You can opt to go down the traditional
route and bring out the Monopoly or Scrabble boards (which you can order
online), or play typical Lebanese games (check out Le3beh 3a Krouteh and
Everythink for some inspiration, that can be delivered home). No one to play
with? Not a problem. Organize a game night with your closest friends online,
and host a round of charades for some good laughs.
Getting organized and home DIY works
Getting organized and cleaning the house were strong second
contenders from respondents. For many, organizing and cleaning can be a
therapeutic activity (try it, it works). You can choose to declutter your
closets or room, pantry or shared spaces. Anything you don’t need, can be sold
or donated online. For what you do need and don’t use often, pack them in boxes
and label them. You can even paint a room, or do some renovation works on parts
of the house that need attention.
Connect, connect, connect
Have at least one catch up call, with friends or family, in
Lebanon or abroad, planned for every night. Video calls make it more personal,
and can help you feel more connected, even in isolation. Just a note, call
friends and family members that uplift you, the ones you can have a good laugh
with. And steer clear from the complainers – negative energy is not welcome at
this point.
Channel your inner chef
The first lockdown inspired the Betty Crockers and Gordon
Ramseys amongst friends and family to emerge, and display their talents on
social media. Whilst the homemade creations have died down online, cooking is a
great way to unwind and try out new things. There are so many recipes that are
found online to try out. You can even challenge yourself a make a traditional
Lebanese dish, and make your mother proud.
Mind stimulating activities
If you are looking to stimulate your mind, or share your
thoughts and creativity with others, there are many activities that you can do.
The first is recording a podcast on a topic that interests you, or interview
your friends on different topics and post them online. You can also write that
novel, play or short film you have always dreamed of. Or opt to start a blog,
about anything and everything.
Keep your hands busy with puzzles and coloring books
A frequent response received when asked about fun activities
during lockdown, is to do puzzles (alone or in groups) and color. Both
activities have shown to stimulate the mind and calm it, by keeping you engaged
on the task at hand. You can order both puzzles and coloring books online, or
print out templates from the web and get creative.
Plan, even when it seems impossible
For a more fulfilling life, planning is required. What
better time to reflect and turn inwards, than during a lockdown (because it is
a temporary phase). You can start by journaling daily, as well as setting your
goals on a personal and professional level and outlining the steps to achieve
them. Put together a vision board of how you would like your life to transform
in the coming months or years. You can even go as far as planning a trip with
your best friends. Studies have shown that even planning a trip can boost your
happiness levels.
Photograph everything and anything
A creative suggestion received by a photographer no doubt,
is to pick up photography as a hobby. However, she suggested to have a theme of
what you are photographing, or even take self-portraits. If you are isolating
alone, self-portraits would be great to document your days. If you live with
your family or friends, ask them to get dressed and glammed up, and line them
up in a studio-style setting. They will be great memories to look back at.
Whatever motivates you to keep fit, should be your driving
force to get you in shape during the lockdown. Whether its summer being just
around the corner, or just wanting to feel good and healthy in your own skin
year-round. Not having time is no longer an excuse not to stay fit. Find free
online tutorials, Apps and workout videos and get moving.
Just remember, the lockdown is temporary and it’s for the
greater good of Lebanon, our loved ones and the healthcare professionals
working around the clock, and the healthcare system as a whole. So stay home
and stay safe. Every action counts.
by Beirut Digital District
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