9 Tips and Tricks for Digital Marketing to Connect with Students

9 Tips and Tricks for Digital Marketing to Connect with Students

In the past year, there has been a significant increase of approximately 60% in online commerce as a result of lockdown measures and people isolating themselves. Many students opt to purchase items from the comfort of their homes to save time, whether it be groceries, clothing, or sporting goods. As a result, the e-commerce market has become highly competitive, leading companies to rely on digital marketing techniques as their strongest weapons in attracting consumer attention.

In today’s fast-paced world, we have become accustomed to a wide range of content, making it harder to impress us. Nevertheless, there are still marketing strategies that are becoming increasingly popular and can catch our attention. In this article, we have gathered advice to assist you in effectively promoting your business online and grabbing the attention of students. Now, let’s begin without any more delay!

Video Content Is King

The video medium provides companies with a platform to bring their creative ideas to life. Whether it’s to inform, advertise, or promote, the type of videos created depends on the specific business concept. It is noteworthy that in 2021, over 78% of users demonstrated a preference for watching videos instead of reading text. Additionally, information retained from watching videos tends to have a longer lasting impact. To illustrate, an average user can recall around 10% of the text they read three days ago, while they can remember approximately 65% of the video they watched.

Naturally, YouTube, TikTok (which has a predominantly younger user base of individuals aged 20 to 25), and Instagram (where the majority of users are women) stand out as the top video marketing platforms. Interestingly, many student entrepreneurs target and promote their products or services to their fellow students specifically on TikTok.

There is a misconception that making videos is easy, however, this is not the case. Every step of the video production process, including scriptwriting and post-production, requires a significant amount of time and dedication. Consequently, students find that outsourcing becomes the most efficient method in handling all these tasks.

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Use Contextual Advertising

Advertisements positioned at the upper, lateral, or lower sections of Google search outcomes are incredibly successful in advancing your business, irrespective of your particular market. Contextual advertising refers to the use of fitting keywords, targeting strategies, and other resources to customize the campaign for a specific group of people. This type of advertising brings numerous benefits:

Contextual advertising also provides detailed reporting, which is another significant advantage. You have the option to be charged either per click or per 1000 impressions, with the former being more commonly preferred.

Try Affiliate Advertising

Facebook is the leading provider of affiliate advertising, giving retailers and brands the opportunity to forge partnerships. Here is an explanation of how this system operates:

Affiliate advertising offers several benefits, including the ability to engage with the desired audience and display ads to those who are genuinely interested in the product or service being promoted. Another advantage is that payment is determined based on the actual outcomes achieved through affiliate advertising.

Turn to Omnichannel Marketing

Multichannel marketing is the process of engaging with customers through various separate channels, each with its unique strategy and characteristics. However, this method is no longer effective and needs to be updated.

The purpose of using omnichannel marketing is to identify and engage with customers across various platforms consistently. For instance, if customers browse specific products on a company’s Facebook page, they should subsequently receive a newsletter (provided they are subscribed) containing personalized recommendations related to their Facebook activity, such as discounts or exclusive deals.

Remember to not overlook voice assistants

Initially, voice assistants were primarily employed to operate basic functions of devices. However, their usage has evolved significantly over time and now extends to various activities such as purchasing. Undoubtedly, Google Assistant, Siri, and Alexa are the most well-liked voice assistants. Based on Google’s data, 52% of users of smart speakers rely on these assistants to obtain commercial information. Hence, it can be concluded that they serve as an incredible means to connect with clients.

It is anticipated that in 2022, there will be advancements in targeting using intelligent devices that continuously listen and observe the user throughout the entire day.

Cooperate With Non-Profit Organizations

To speak truthfully, a business that positively impacts society gains popularity. Reports from Ernst and Young indicate that around 70% of customers believe that it is the duty of brands to do so. Contemporary students tend to make choices based on their values and lean towards companies that align with their own principles.

Partnering with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is a highly effective strategy to engage a fresh audience in 2022. In recent years, the younger demographic has expressed worry and urged influential figures to assume greater accountability.

As a result, numerous large companies contribute a portion of their profits on a monthly or yearly basis, decrease the quantity of plastic and detrimental emissions released into the air, and more. Therefore, why not consider these brands as a model to follow?

Offer Convenient Payment Methods

When it comes to different ways of paying, having a variety of options is preferred. Let me explain how we currently create these payment methods.

Another aspect to consider is the effort put into minimizing the number of clicks during the payment process. This is important because if customers have to press many buttons, it is probable that they will experience frustration or inconvenience.

At the same time, it is important to prioritize the assurance of payment security. Google Pay, Apple Pay, and Samsung Pay are leading the way in this domain.

Chatbots Are The Future

Autoresponders and guides that accompany clients or assist them when contacting support services, predictive chatbots aim to provide answers to any inquiries regarding products or services to buyers.

One important role is to ensure that the website’s visitors effectively convert into customers. When a visitor lands on your site, the bot promptly grabs their attention, offers information, and extends assistance. As a result, the client is satisfied, and you boost your sales.

To Wrap It Up

Contemporary tools enable you to engage with young customers in a fresh and personalized manner. By utilizing voice technology or crafting tailored messages, you can effectively broaden your reach to a larger demographic and ultimately bolster your sales.

According to experts, it is important for businesses today to prioritize the omnichannel approach in order to enhance the effectiveness of communication and service. However, it is equally crucial to not overlook other forms of advertising, such as contextual and targeted ads, which can instantly bring customers to the website after its launch.

The popularity of video content, podcasts, and virtual reality is increasing rapidly. Therefore, it is recommended to utilize digital tools in a coordinated manner to achieve a wide audience and stay current.

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