So, digital marketing. Is it what it says on the tin? In a word; yes. Since the worldwide web first took the world by storm back in the early 90’s, companies have seized this medium as the single most effective way of marketing your product or company on a global scale. Back then it was pretty restricted as there was no social media but there was a mind-blowing new way of contacting people across the world; email. Fast forward to 2019 and digital marketing has left all other methods trailing in its wake, and if you want to learn a bit more about it read on…
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is the term given to any kind of marketing which takes place online. So a company of can create you an online presence on numerous platforms across the world. Most of us have Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, and no doubt you will have seen adverts, read tweets and seen people plugging products. This is the world of, and it’s worth billions.
How Will Digital Marketing Help Me?
You will reach a much bigger market, and have millions of more potential clients, than if you stuck to the traditional marketing methods of printed ads, phone calls, and physical marketing. Another big plus is speed. In the time it takes to make 10 phone calls, one new product launch can reach millions via your synchronized social media accounts. Retweets, shares, and likes can see that the audience swell until the numbers simply cannot be quantified. This can happen within minutes or hours, now think how long it would take to reach this magnitude of a global audience using the old methods. Bit of a no-brainer really.
Can I Digitally Market my Own Products?
You can try, but it’s nowhere as easy as the experts make it seem. First, up your brand must be seen across every single available channel including some you may never have heard of but which are huge in other countries. This brand needs to be consistent across all platforms and all news, press releases, product launches, etc must be synchronized so they hit all platforms at the same time. Timing is also important and while it may seem common sense not to promote gardening equipment in November it does happen and it can damage a company’s reputation. You only get one chance to make a good first impression, and if you blow it can take months to get back your credibility.
Is Content Marketing Different?
A will work within your digital marketing team and will, for example, write blog posts that generate leads through hyperlinks. These blogs will then be promoted by the social media marketing team and they may also be included in newsletters sent out by the email marketing department. In short, all of these methods of promotion, plus many more, all work together like cogs to deliver a streamlined digital marketing strategy that generates the best possible results.