A Dynamic Brand Design Agency – Riithink Digital Marketing Chapel Hill

Brand Audit | Step One

Does your current brand accurately reflect who you are?

During the Brand Audit stage, we perform a thorough breakdown of the history of your brand. During this stage, we like to have our client’s fill out a branding questionnaire so that we can hear what you want to see through the development of your brand. The quality of our design and branding services is derived from our desire to legitimately know and understand our clients in order to develop the most unique and accurate representation of their identity.

Brand Development | Step Two

Time to start creating.

In the Brand Development stage, our creative team begins to brainstorm the best ways to bring your brand’s identity to life. This process includes establishing your brand voice, solidifying your mission statement, working through various color schemes, creating logos, etc. For us, this is the fun part. No two clients at RiiThink are alike and every project is viewed as a new opportunity to create something truly special for your brand.

Brand Creation | Step Three

Finalizing your brand guide.

After working through various branding options with you, we will present you with the final product of our creative team’s labor. Whether you are doing a top-to-bottom rebranding or just looking for content for your media channels, the Brand Creation stage is when we present you with finalized templates and guidelines that will inspire the identity of your brand for years to come. Having a brand guide that you can refer back to is huge for the legitimacy of your brand.

Brand Implementation | Step Four

How can we bring your new brand to life?

Once we’ve made all adjustments on your brand guide and you’ve approved the final version, we walk you through how to utilize your brand guide moving forward. We refer back to it during the content creation process to make sure we’re right on track in developing the images, graphics and copywriting that reflect your business and your message. We implement your vision and brand standard across the board to tell your story creatively and cohesively.

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