Architecture studio ABIBOO has unveiled its plans for the creation of the first sustainable city on Mars. The agency hopes to have it completed and ready for residents come 2100, with construction beginning 2054.
Located on Tempe Mensa, the city of Nüwa is expected to feature a population of 250,000 people. It would be primarily located inside the rock of a cliff, as this area would offer protection from radiation while providing access to indirect sunlight.
The firm also envisions that all tasks done on Mars would be performed in what can be described as “macro-buildings” inside the cliff, accessible from an elevator system. There could also be a bus and train system that would help people commute from one place to another.
Crops, which are expected to account for 50 percent of the human diet, would be grown at the highest point of the cliff, which is called Mesa.
There could also be large pavilions at the bottom of the cliff, aimed to encourage interaction between residents and to offer views of the city.
Shuttle service could be installed for people who want to return to Earth. The one-way ticket would set you back US$300,000, and the launch window would open every 26 months.
ABIBOO states that Earth could supplement Nüwa with capital investment and supplies for a brief period until the city becomes self-sustainable.
Take a look at the proposed layout for the city of Nüwa in the video below.
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