healthcare facilities. With the increase of telemedicine, remote diagnostics, and other kinds of digital healthcare, having a robust Web connection within the healthcare market is more crucial than ever. Network communication, electronic records, and other cloud-based applications can all be supported by the Bluebird Network fiber optic facilities, a high speed, cutting-edge network. Bluebird Network likewise provides data center services for saving patient information and other health center records offsite, consisting of catastrophe recovery
and repair efforts in the case of data loss. The Bluebird Underground Data Center, located 85 feet underground in Springfield, Missouri and surrounded by solid limestone rock, will protect your information and hardware from all sort of natural and unnatural disasters. Your info will be both quickly and easily accessible and securely and firmly kept, through the synergy of our fiber optic network and underground data center.Take a look at our Business services page here for basic company services. To set up an individual meeting at
Best of Clayton , e-mail Nancy Jensen at [email protected] or get in touch with us with general inquires here.
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