Acquiring digital marketing skills for marketing success| Cognixia

Digital marketing has been making waves for quite some time now by offering innovative branding avenues and helping reach the targeted audience cost-effectively and measurably. In the last decade or so, the world has witnessed a dramatic shift from analog to digital. Marketing has evolved rapidly in this era of social media dependence where every advertisement is personalised to match the specific content, which interests the consumer. Consumers witness a tonne of virtual noise making it increasingly imperative for brands to break through this noise and deliver their message. Traditional marketing is becoming obsolete and is paving the way for new-age digital marketing techniques.

With the entire buzz created around digital marketing, it is essential to understand the importance of acquiring the skills in this growing field. The need for training in digital marketing is dictated by the demand and supply trend for digital marketing professionals. Let’s explore more about the growing demand for skilled professionals in digital marketing and the growth of digital job opportunities in this marketplace.

Growing demand for digital marketers.

Digital marketing hires have seen an upward progression trend created by the need for a new set of eyes in this profession. This involves professionals who are well-versed with the marketing business and have a creative niche for everything digital. They possess the required knowledge and skills to harness the power of the internet for creating effective email campaigns, social media postings and top-notch quality web pages. The market demand for such professionals has grown exponentially in the past couple of years. A study by McKinley Marketing Partners – 2018 Marketing Hiring Trends, reported a 32% rise in digital marketing hires from 2016 to 2017.

Digital marketing encompasses many niche jobs, including:

Global domination

The global presence of internet and social media is resulting in a growing demand for digital marketing. Ranging from professionals using email communication for work to Gen Z hooked on their smartphones, the internet is everywhere. An average person has a minimum of 7 social media accounts today. A survey by HubSpot in 2017 reported that 74% of individuals surveyed, use Facebook and as of June 2018, Instagram hit 1 billion monthly users. The ocean of people online presents a plethora of online branding options for businesses. With this widespread global domination of internet and social media, there has been a growing requirement for businesses to hire the right candidates. Companies offer great salaries to digital marketers making this an extremely lucrative profession. The top countries offering high annual salaries for digital marketers are Australia, Netherlands and the United States of America. The website listed an average annual salary of $43,900 for a digital marketing associate in U.S.

Digital evolution with training

Training in digital marketing has become crucial for aspiring marketing professionals who seek to stay relevant in the industry and desire a flourishing career.

Lifelong learning and evolving is the best way to step ahead in your career and this holds especially true in the universe of digital marketing where trends change at the light of speed.

Digital marketing has taken the world by storm and is growing at an exponential rate. This phenomenal growth means a high demand for skilled and knowledgeable marketers, which is way more than the current supply of the trained workforce. Moreover, considering the never-ending demand and growth of the digital marketing industry, it is safe to guarantee a certain measure of job security.

Cognixia, world’s leading digital workforce solutions company offers a special professional diploma in digital marketing from the Digital Marketing Institute, Ireland. This diploma program aims to equip participants with the tools and skills needed to create a cohesive, effective digital marketing strategy. The program is curated by expert practitioners and is aligned with the industry to provide in-depth knowledge, understanding and a complete hands-on learning experience to demonstrate a strong foundation in digital marketing, covering the main concepts, techniques and skills required in order to develop, plan and implement an effective digital marketing strategy. Reach out to us know more about this program.