An Effective Digital Marketing Package for Small Business
So, you’re a small business owner interested in how digital marketing can impact your bottom line but you have some concerns. First, you’re worried that whatever services you may want will be too pricey for your available budget. Second, you’re worried about getting involved in something that you don’t truly understand. After all, you’ve built your business to date by understanding every aspect of it. That’s how you know to approach things related to your business, so giving up control is difficult without guarantees of success.
We get all that. We really do. Remember, we were a startup once ourselves and know what it takes to find long-term success. That means we get exactly how you’re feeling when it comes to venturing into digital marketing for the first time. Or even how it feels to come back to it after being burned by another agency in the past.
What Constitutes Our Small Business Package?
Again, we empathize with your point of view and that’s why Lift Conversions is the right choice for your digital marketing efforts – whatever they happen to include. As for our Small Business Package, it begins with your website and moves on from there. Here’s a simple outline we’ve explained below:
So How Does This All Work Together?
When a small business comes to us, they come to us in either of two situations in 99% cases. Either they have no history with digital marketing and a minimal web presence or they have a website they paid good money for that’s simply not doing the job. So, our first job is to address their website. Whether this includes a new design or a redesign with content rework is up to the client and our team to decide after discussions, but it’s important to remember that the website is the foundation of everything you do online and without a good one you could be wasting time and money.
Next up, we ensure that the website is properly synced and linked to both Google Search Console and Google Analytics. These properties are vital to getting the most of your efforts across the board, so they’re pivotal to the success of all that comes after. And that starts with Local SEO – specifically Location Pages written to increase your keyword universe and score organic rankings over the long-term. Best of all, they’re not reliant on the algorithm so they’ll be valuable for as long as you own your site.
Now It’s Time To Start Actively Advertising!
Okay, we’ve taken the time with our services to set your business up right. Your website is improved or redesigned to be mobile-friendly and dynamic using the latest technology. A new sitemap has been submitted to Google Search Console and Google Analytics is tracking site activity and sources. Now we move to advertising using Google properties first and Microsoft if you’re interested. First though, we setup and edit your Google My Business listing to include all of the most beneficial features and then we link it to your new or existing Google Ads account.
That’s all we needed to get started building your Google Ads account and when we do so it’s done right. Whether you need us to manage the account for you on a monthly basis or simply to set it up so that it runs for you with minimal management, our team can do it for an incredible package price that includes all the services listed above. We offer pricing that’s dependent your market so why not learn more about what a package like this could do for you and your business?
Schedule a free small business digital marketing consultation with our founder – he takes every initial call personally – and see if what we have to offer is the right fit for your company’s needs. We believe you’ll be impressed by your conversation and all the things we do for clients that other agencies balk at. Call (773) 419-3636 or send in a completed contact form today!
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