Apply these Hospitality Digital Marketing Trends this 2020!

As most hotel owners switched to digital marketing to cope up with COVID-19, they’re at a loss on how to revamp their marketing. How can they handle the sudden shift in their business? How can they promote their hotel business online and surpass their competitors? Apply these hospitality digital marketing trends this 2020 now!

Hospitality Digital Marketing Trends this 2020

Now that you cannot cater to new guests or customers due to COVID-19, you can promote your business instead of curating a story. Storytelling is one of the powerful hospital digital marketing trends this 2020. You can make a video or virtual tour that shares the story of how your company began. You can also share exciting stories of team building with your employees.

In times of crisis, you can also share inspiring stories on how you help the local community during COVID-19. Did your company give some relief to your neighborhood? Or maybe you open up your hotel’s doors as a temporary shelter for frontliners? These inspiring stories help promote your company as more than just a business. It’s a brand that also helps in changing people’s lives.

Influential Marketing

Aside from sharing content or stories yourself, let others share their stories too. An effective hospitality digital marketing trend this 2020 is by propagating customers’ stories. Let your customers and past guests participate and share their awesome experiences during their stay.

Encourage your guests to share stunning images or virtual tours that narrate their stories. Their reviews and testimonies will help boost your brand’s influence in the industry. Another form of promotion is by teaming up with influencers who share the same vision and culture as your brand.

Make Use of Livesteamings, Webinars, and Q&A

Since most hotel owners rely on technology to promote their business and connect to customers, it’s important you make use of it too. If you haven’t already, host some live streams and webinars every now and then. You can share the latest hospitality digital marketing trends this 2020 to your customers while travel is on pause. Use this opportunity to connect with your customers by answering their questions and addressing their concerns.

Another popular hospitality digital marketing trend this 2020 is ads. Start promoting your guest rooms and accommodations on social media. You can use Facebook Stories, Sponsored Posts, and ads to promote your hotel.

Make use of stunning images or virtual tours to grab your customer’s attention. Since travel is on-pause, you can offer discounted bookings or promo to entice your customers. This will compel them to make reservations and plan their getaway in advance after COVID-19.

Now that you’re promoting your business more aggressively, the next step to edging your business is excellent customer service. Make sure you provide an efficient way for customers to reach you. They wouldn’t want to wait for days before you can entertain their questions. To address your customers 24/7, you can install chatbots and auto-replies.

The chatbots will address the customers’ most common concerns. These FAQs generally won’t require your attention. For custom or important queries, you can address it yourself or forward it to your designated team.

Install Direct Bookings or Reservations

Of course, you also need to make sure you have a landing page for your customers. This landing page serves as their booking page where they can make reservations anytime. You can embed this landing page to your website, virtual tour, or social media channels. So that whenever they see your stunning ads and feel the urge to book, they can do so immediately. You can capture these leads immediately without losing them.

Ready to apply the hospitality digital marketing trends this 2020? Contact our marketing professionals now!

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