Ask a Digital Marketing Strategist ⋆ Kyla Roma

The video chat window is open on my computer, and the woman speaking is flustered.

“I’m truly not sure which niche I should focus on: the beginners, or clients who are a little more experienced. I could make things for any of them, I just don’t know which will be the best place to start…”

More accurately – she’s frustrated, confused, and generally embodying this emoji: ?????

Most of my best clients have a few of the big pieces of their businesses in place.

A website.

Something useful to sell.

A few clients who love them.

But for one reason or another, it’s not turning into big picture momentum.

And when you have some spare time (HAHAHA) to decide how to start fixing that, what you get is:

No wonder we feel scattered!

Since I spend my time helping people get to the right answer for their business, it might not surprise you that I’m a little obsessed with advice columns.

(Did you know there are podcasts and articles that are totally dedicated to advice? There are even advice columns on cleaning!)

Being a marketing strategist is a lot like running one big, live, video based business advice column.

The main difference is that it’s private.

But given my love of advice columns, I thought it would be fun if I opened it up…

So I’m starting a free marketing advice column for online business owners!

And because I know it can be really intimidating to ask a question if you’re worried about what others will think, it’s going to be 100% anonymous.

That means soon you’ll be getting my take on real problems that other readers are struggling with, right in your inbox.

(See why I’ve been excited about blogging again?? I could eat this for breakfast every day!)

How to take part:

2. HIT SHARE to send this with a business bestie or your followers who might want some business advice. (This is a huge help – thanks!)