Throughout the month of August, Facebook outlined new privacy limitations for advertisements, TikTok began testing a stories feature, and Google introduced new advertising precautions. Learn more about the latest digital marketing and industry news in our monthly roundup!
With the demand for user privacy at an all-time high, Facebook recently announced a new approach to advertising on the platform. In response to Apple’s recently introduced App Tracking Transparency (ATT) update that allows users to opt-out of app tracking, Facebook developed a set of privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs), which will help limit the information collected from users while still giving insight into campaign performance.
Similar to Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Snapchat, TikTok recently introduced Stories on the platform. Users will be able to share videos and pictures on their accounts that disappear after 24 hours. The new feature is located in a collapsable left-hand side panel. While this may feel like an unnecessary update for the platform, TikTok revealed that it is always looking for new ways to better serve its users. This update is still in the testing phase, but could make a big impact on how users share on the platform.
Instagram is in the midst of testing its advertising features in Instagram Shops. Specifically, the platform is testing single image and carousel advertisements for mobile devices. The new feature is only available to brands that provide the most popular products on Instagram, like home decor, beauty, and more. Some users have complained about Instagram’s commercially driven updates, but this feature is right in line with the platform’s recent shift in branding.
As more children are utilizing the internet due to virtual learning, Google Ads recently implemented new safeguards to allow safe internet usage. In the next few months, Google will start blocking ad targeting for those under the age of 18, among other limitations. Advertisers should expect to see a slight change in their ad metrics as this new precaution is put into place.
Looking to learn more about how ? LinkedIn recently released insight into Tech buying trends that can help any brand currently looking to adjust its marketing strategy. The research outlines the importance of branding, building a brand reputation, using social platforms, and more. This insight can help marketers and brands build long-lasting relationships with their customers, as well as understand the effects that pandemic had on consumer spending.
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