Automated Lead Generation on Facebook Messenger – emfluence Digital Marketing

In August 2019, Facebook released a new feature that makes it easier for businesses to chat with customers in Messenger. Facebook claims that their new lead generation in Messenger can assist businesses develop customer relationships.

According to Facebook, with Messenger you can:

I don’t know about you, but that last bullet makes me incredibly happy as a marketer.

The purpose of using the new lead generation in Messenger is to follow up with leads faster and in a way that starts a meaningful conversation with potential customers.

So how does lead generation in Messenger work? I’ve outlined the key points below, but for a full list, see the Facebook Business page.


Although the above list is not a holistic view of all of the steps required, it does give you a pretty good idea of how easy it is to implement this feature.

Now, while this all sounds easy-peasy, there are some mistakes that you should avoid if you’re thinking about giving this feature a try.


Now that you have an idea of how to implement this feature into your lead generation strategy, as well as some mistakes to look out for, you’re ready to get started implementing this tactic into your larger lead generation strategy. Good luck, I know you can do it!