B2B Digital Marketing Strategy | B2B SaaS & Tech | Gripped

B2B Digital Marketing Strategy | B2B SaaS & Tech | Gripped

Truly understanding your customers unlocks the knowledge of why, how and where they buy. Leave the guessing games in the past and double down on the channels that work. There’s no point spending money for money’s sake.

We’ll go beyond this and find where your buyers are that you aren’t and start building a presence there. Customer-centric thinking that gets you in front of your audience in ways you hadn’t thought of, and supports you in creating compelling propositions for them.

Flip the way you think about the funnel. Educating your audience is important, but it’s not the fastest route to revenue. Start at the bottom and capture the structured demand for your solution that is already out there.

We’ll turn your buying process into an online sales process. We’ll make sure your website reflects the conversations you have with prospects and put the foundations in place to start driving high-intent traffic.

B2B ad strategies are failing. Email nurtures aren’t capturing attention. Sales are crying out for more leads and 30 eBook downloads per month just isn’t going to cut it.

But how do you fix this if only 3% of your target market are ever in-market to buy? We’ll position you as experts in your category to those not in a buying process, so that when they do become in-market to buy, you’re already ahead of the competition in capturing their demand.

How often do you hear the argument of poor lead quality versus leads not being followed up with properly? But sales and marketing alignment is critical to successfully scale your go-to-market strategy, yet is still one of the biggest challenges for B2B SaaS and tech.

B2B marketers have been obsessing over the wrong metrics for years. We’ll empower sales and marketing to work as a tag team that is laser-focused on revenue growth. Shared goals, targeting and intelligence that bridges the gap.

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