B2B Reads: The Restart, Uncertainty, and Cookieless Digital Marketing

In addition to our Sunday App of the Week feature, we also summarize some of our favorite B2B sales & marketing posts from around the Web each week. We’ll miss a ton of great stuff, so if you found something you think is worth sharing please add it to the comments below.

And when does it get boring?
Memorizing and taking exams isn’t how passion is discovered or nurtured. Thanks for your thoughts, Seth Godin.

How to Generate Leads in a Competitive Digital Landscape
Some do’s, don’ts and best practices for making your way through the digital marketing jungle of today. Thanks for the advice, Stefan Debois.

The Restart
Eight actions CEOs can take to ensure a safe and successful relaunch of economic activity. Great article, Homayoun Hatami, Sébastien Lacroix, and Jean-Christophe Mieszala.

The First 100 Days – A Plan for New Demand Generation Leaders
A look at the excitement of the first 100 days in a new demand generation role. Thanks, Brian Hansford.

How The Best Leaders Are Already Planning Past The Crisis
Leaders need to be looking ahead and planning for the future instead of just dealing with what’s in front of them today. Thanks for your insight, Lolly Daskal.

How B2B Marketers Should Think About Uncertainty
Now that all your plans and strategies have gone sideways, it’s time to think about things differently. Great read, Mike Moran.

A 5-step path to cookieless digital marketing
A look at a cookieless future in your digital marketing efforts. Thanks for the tips, Raquel Rosenthal.

How to Create a Content Strategy for COVID-19 (or Other Crises) in Five Steps
Now is an ideal time to put a content strategy together, and here are some steps to get you started. Thanks, Richele Black.

Eight Tips to Engage Participants at Your Zoom or Video Sales Calls
Great tips for keeping peoples’ attention in the many zoom calls you’re now a part of. Great read, Gil Peretz.

How to Improve Your Broken Prospecting Sequence
Don’t send people the same email 8 times and expect a successful prospect. Great insight, Anthony Iannarino.

The post B2B Reads: The Restart, Uncertainty, and Cookieless Digital Marketing appeared first on Heinz Marketing.

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