Be evergreen: How your practice’s digital marketing can benefit from an SEO long tail business model

What’s New in Publishing adds that the long tail business model also generates more organic traffic…

Blog posts. eBooks. Social media posts. These are all common types of content used by businesses to grow their online presence. If your goal is to kick your digital marketing strategy into higher gear, another option that provides many benefits is an SEO long tail business model to tie them together.

What is longtail content?

Longtail content refers to content that continues to draw traffic after being online for at least three days. This generally involves content that is more evergreen in nature, meaning that it has continued relevance over time.

Examples of longtail content include a blog post that provides weight loss strategies or a YouTube video that shows stretches that can help reduce back pain – content that does not go out of style. These topics are searched by people year-round. Though, seasonal content can be considered longtail content too.

Long tail business model marketing benefits

The most obvious benefit of longtail content is that it continues to bring people to your online sites for long periods versus only increasing traffic for a day or two then dropping off. The more traffic your site gets, the more weight it is given by search engines. This increases your rank when someone searches for your practice or the type of information you provide online.

Post evergreen content on social media and it can improve engagement. The more engagement your content receives on these platforms, the higher your level of visibility to others you might not already be connected with.

What’s New in Publishing adds that the long tail business model also generates more organic traffic. This is traffic that comes to your site on its own and not directed there by paid ads. Organic traffic is considered to provide more value than paid traffic and, since it doesn’t require buying an ad, it can be acquired at no cost other than the time and effort you put into creating the content.

Does this make non-longtail content obsolete?

While longtail content is great for bringing a steady stream of traffic to your online sites, this doesn’t mean that you should abandon all posts about topics that would not be considered evergreen. Both have a place in digital marketing as time-relevant topics also serve a valuable purpose.

Posting about an upcoming health expo that your practice is hosting, for instance, can get your online viewers excited about the event, increasing their desire to attend. Or maybe you want to weigh in on a local news story. Even if it doesn’t draw traffic long-term, if it is well-crafted, it can make people want to follow you or read more of your content online.

So, while a long tail business model is beneficial, a comprehensive digital marketing strategy includes a variety of content. Choosing a few different approaches helps build your online presence by appealing to all types of people consuming content virtually.

Tips for creating effective longtail content

The first step to developing an effective longtail content strategy is to come up with a list of topics that are likely to be relevant over time. In chiropractic, this list would likely include topics such as:

Think about the questions your patients ask regularly or their top concerns. If you find yourself talking about a certain subject time and time again, it would likely be a good topic for your longtail content.

Next, start to type your topic into the search bar and see what other similar terms or phrases are being searched. Including these in your content can help boost your results.

The final step is to create and post the content, then monitor its traffic to see what type of information draws the most interest over time. When posting, look for an SEO term in the 1-45 keyword difficulty range so it will pop up in searches and receive backlinks from other websites that like your article.

Focus on these topics in the future and you can continue to grow your online presence with a long tail business model, resulting in a more effective digital marketing strategy.

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